Chapter 24

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„Come onnn! I still want to do my homework!" Y/n said to Suna. „Why don't you just do it in the café? We can chill there for a little." Suna said.

„Ohh! Good idea!" Y/n said while practically jumping to the café. Suna was still worried about that Kaito guy. Be he was happy that he saw Y/n happy. „You coming?" Y/n shouted from afar. Suna chuckled and chatched up with Y/n.

Ding! A bell rang as the two entered the coffee shop. Y/n took a seat to her favourite place and Suna followed her. „Could you help me with history?" Y/n asked Suna. He nodded and Y/n took out her books.

„Hey Y/n! How are you?" Kaito asked, showing up frim nowhere. „I'm fine, thanks. And how are you?" Y/n smiled. „Same as usual. So what do you want to order?" Kaito asked, completely ignoring Sunas presence.

„You say first." Y/n looked at Suna trying to show that he's there too. He nodded as a thanks and ordered a glass of water. „Okay noted, and what would the pretty lady like?" Kaito winked at Y/n which made Sunas blood boil. „A coffee please." Y/n smiled and opened her text book after that.

Kaito looked at Suna like he was challenging him. Suna looked at him with a raised eyebrow but turned his attention to Y/n.

After five minutes Kaito showed up with the drinks. Y/n thanked him and went back studying her notes. Suna gave the guy a glare and took a sip from his drink. Y/n looked up and saw a familiar guy entering the coffee shop. „Shit. Shit, shit, shit! What is he doing here?" Y/n whispered to herself. Suna looked at Y/n with a confused look.

He looked into the direction Y/n was looking. He saw a guy talking with Kaito. Kaito took a quick glance towards Y/n and shook his head after that. The guy looked around and Y/n hid behind Suna. The guy didn't find for what he was searching for so he got out of the coffee shop again.

„What was that?" Suna asked Y/n. But before Y/n could answer Kaito came up to Y/n. „Y/n! I'm pretty sure you saw Daishō. He was searching for you and told me he exactly knew that you're here whenever you can. He asked if you were here right now but i told him no so he told me he would come another time. I think you shouldn't come here for an amount of time..." Kaito said.

Y/n nodded, scared. Suna understood that Y/n wanted to leave right now so he took his and her things and went out of the coffee shop. Y/n followed him. Daishō... i heard that name before... but who is he and what does he want from Y/n?

„The guy was Daishō Suguru, my ex. The obsessive one we talked about for one, two times." Y/n said, knowing that Suna wanted to ask her that anyway. „I'm pretty sure you had heard that name before. He's playing volleyball too for Nohebi. He's known that he's playing like a snake." Y/n explained.

„Cheating in his game just like with the girl he dates." Y/n said, anger showing in her eyes. Suna nodded, not wanting to ask any questions to make Y/n more uncomfortable or something like that. „Can i take you somewhere? Like, for a distraction?" Suna asked after a few seconds of silence.

Y/n nodded quietly and Suna grabbed Y/ns hand, leading the way. They walked for like twenty minutes as Suna showed Y/n a really beautiful place. The nature was just beautiful. No cars, no humans, no trash, just the two of them and the nature.

„I thought of this like a date, but i guess it's better that i showed you that as a distraction..." Suna scratched his head. „Why don't we take it as both?" Y/n asked, grabbing Sunas hand. Suna lookes at the girl in disbelief. „I mean, i'd love to. And if you want that too..." Suna said.

Y/n started tip-toeing and gave Suna a quick peck on the lips. Suna then kissed Y/n back and they deepened the kiss. „Mhh" Y/n hummed in satisfaction, breaking the kiss afterwards.

Suna grinned at Y/n. „What" Y/n grinned back. „Oh nothing, i just can't wait until our kids will have your beautiful e/c eyes." Suna smirked. „You piece of shit!" Y/n blushed and pushed Suna, laughing embarassed.

After ten minutes of sitting on the grass and enjoying the view, Suna stood up. „Let's go?" he offered a hand and Y/n took it, standing up. Sunas phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. Suna groaned and before he could do anything Y/n took the phone out of his hands and accepted the call.

„You little shit-" „Hello" Y/n cutted Suna off and grinned at him. „Y/n? Since when does Suna let other people on his phone? Anyway, i guess you guys are together right now. Where the fuck are you?" a guy asked.


„Bro, chill" Y/n laughed. „He was worrying, not me." Osamu said in the background. „Okay, so now you know where we are. We're gonna be there in twenty so chill your ass, pisshair." Y/n hung up and gave the phone back to Suna. „It's funny that that was the second time i was at your phone." Y/n chuckled.

„Yeah, only because you're my favourite." Suna rolled his eyes.

An: I already have an idea for another book but i'm gonna finish this one first ofc

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