Chapter 33

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„Food is ready!" the mother of Y/n yelled. „Wake up, princess." Suna whispered, shaking the girl next to him slightly.

„Hm?" she hummed, slowly opening her e/c eyes. „Food is ready. We should go down." he said, taking Y/n's hair out of her face.

Y/n sat up, rubbing her eyes. Suna stood up, waiting by the doorframe for her. „Can you pick me up?" she asked, still sleepy.

Suna lowered his phone, looking at his girlfriend suprised. „Uh, sure?" he said, going to the bed.

Y/n stretched her arms towards Suna like a little kid that wants to be picked up. Suna picked her up easily, holding her by her ass.

Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck as she gave him little kisses as a thank you.

„Since when are you so clingy? Isn't this supposed to be my job?" he asked, smiling as he raised an eyebrow.

„That's why now i got to be clingy." Y/n said. „Oh and i'm clingy too when i'm being on my period." she said, making Suna gulp.

„F/n! Look at them!" Y/n's mother exclaimed laughing, pointing at the two. „You two are so cute together!" she said, smiling brightly.

Suna smiled too, putting Y/n down on one chair and him sitting next to her. „Y/n, you have two healthy legs. Use them to walk and don't force this young man to drag you downstairs!" the mother scolded in a funny way.

„Yeah, sorry mom." the girl said, looking at her boyfriend with an apologetic look because he needed to drag her downstairs.

He just smiled and shook his head, looking at the delicious food. „This looks great! I see from who you got your cooking." Suna said, looking at Y/n.

Y/n nodded. „Mom showed me how to cook." she said, taking some of the food to put on her plate.

M/n and F/n already had some food on their plates so they were waiting for the two teenagers to help themselves.

„So Suna, i heard you're playing volleyball." Y/n's father said. He looked at the boy. Sure, Y/n's parents were nice, but he still was nervous to talk to them...

Suna nodded. „I love to play volleyball and also want to do it in the future." F/n nodded. „It's great if you already know what you want to do in the future." he said.

After breakfast everyone went their own way. F/n and M/n went to visit some friends so Y/n and Suna had the house for themselves.

Y/n scrolled trough instagram, looking at couples putting on face masks together and making photos of it.

She glanced over at her boyfriend. She had her legs on his lap, and he massaged her leg with one hand. „What." he asked, feeling Y/n's eyes on him.

„Nothing, just thought about something..." Y/n said, shaking her head and turning her attention towards her phone again.

„Baby." Suna said, raising an eyebrow at her. Y/n pouted.

„Fine, i just saw this couples putting on face masks together and i kinda want to do it too." she said. Suna chuckled deeply.

„Then come on." he said, pushing her legs off of him and standing up, going towards the bathroom.

As Y/n realised what he had said she stood up too, going after him.

Suna leaned at the wall, looking at Y/n taking out some face masks.

„Which one do you want?" Y/n asked. As she asked, Suna pulled her into a kiss.

Y/n closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. As they broke the kiss Y/n turned her attention towards the face mask and her question.

„You're cute, do you know that." he said. Y/n shook her head, laughing lightly.

„What? Can't i compliment my girlfriend." he said, hugging her from behind. „Sure you can, but back to my question, Rin." she said.

Suna didn't say anything for some seconds as he shrugged. „Just pick two and give me the one." he said, kissing her neck.

Y/n took that headband-thingy and turned around in Suna's arms, facing him and putting it on.

See put it on herself too and opened the face mask, taking it out.

Suna looked with a terrifying look at the mask while Y/n laughed, starting to put it on.

„Let me try put it on for you." Suna said as Y/n was done. „Alright." Y/n said, handing Suna the face mask.

„We look so cute." Y/n said while pouting, unlocking her phone.

Suna looked at the girl amazed. Her soft features, her hair falling perfectly into her face and her eyes shining brighter than the sun.

Oh how happy he was to have her. „Smileee" Y/n said while smiling brightly.

„Can i post it on instagram?" she asked, looking at the brown-haired boy. He nodded, smiling as the girl hurriedly posted it on instagram.

„What do we wanna do?" Y/n asked later that day. Suna shrugged. „Could we go to my favorite café? I heard they adopted a cat that now stayed there." Y/n said.

„Sure" Suna said, going downstairs with Y/n. They were walking for a few minutes as they entered the café.

They sat down, thinking about what to order. Y/n in the meanwhile searched for the cat.

„Y/n! Long time no see." Kaito said, coming with a cat in his arms. He handed Y/n the cat and smiled. „It was like one week. It isn't that much." she said as she looked at the cute cat.

„It is, i missed you." Kaito said, taking a quick glance at Suna who glared at him.

„So what do you guys want to order?" he said, clicking his pen.

„F/d." Y/n smiled. „The same for me." Suna said, looking at Y/n.

„I'm going to the toilet, be right back." Y/n said, giving Suna the cat and leaving the table.

Just as she went to the toilet Kaito sat down on Y/n's place. Suna furrowed an eyebrow at him, questioning his actions.

„Listen here." he said. „I will take her away from you. You don't deserve her. You don't even know her for that long. If you won't leave her alone i'll tell that... what's her name... Shenaya girl you're still having contact with her. And my dear Y/n will get hurt. But i will protect her, don't worry. She doesn't need you."

An: I'm back and i'm really sorry it took me that long to update! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter :>

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Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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