Chapter 23

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„Ugh Rin, why did you need to put a mark on my neck? It's pretty obvious." Y/n groaned trying to cover the mark Suna left from yesterday.

„Why don't you wear a turtle neck under your uniform to hide it?" Suna asked, looking at Y/n. He was sitting on Y/ns bed watching her putting on makeup. „It's gonna be so hot like this. But i will be pretty obvious if i put so much makeup on. Everyone would notice."

Y/n stood up and got to her wardrobe to find a turtle neck. She found a white one. „Could you please go outside so i can change?" Y/n asked the boy. Suna nodded and stood up, checking out Y/n before closing the door behind him. He went downstairs to start doing the bento boxes.

Y/n got ready too and left her room after ten minutes. „Oh, i see you already started making our bento boxes. Thank you!" Y/n smiled. „It's fine. They are gonna be ready in ten minutes so i'm gonna finish them. Could you prepare our breakfast?" Suna asked.

The girl nodded and started going around in the kitchen. „Is cereal alright?" Y/n asked. Suna nodded so Y/n placed two bowls, two spoons and milk on the table.

After a half hour the two were ready to leave for school. „I noticed that my room completely changed. It was you, wasn't it? And the sleepover from the twins, you told them, right?" Suna asked on the way.

Y/n started fidgeting her fingers. She nodded slowly. „I'm sorry if you don't like it. I just tought it was kinda lifeless and boring and i thought maybe i could make this a welcome home gift. And Mei helped me to do your room. And yes, i told the twins. I'm sorry if i shouldn't have told the twins..." Y/n said.

„I really like the room. Thank you. And i think the twins would have found it out in no time when they would have come over to our house. So it's totally fine with me that the three know. Just let's not tell this other people because my fangirls and..."

„...Shenaya would freak out, right?" Y/n finished Sunas sentence. He nodded slowly. „You have an ex with an obsession for you and i have an ex with an obsession to me. Life is crazy." Y/n sighed. „Is it the guy who cheated on you?" Suna asked. Y/n nodded.

„What's his name?" Suna asked. „Uhm, well... could i tell you another time?" Y/n gulped. „ Of course. Anytime you feel comfortable." Suna nodded, squeezing Y/ns hand.

„Ugh, someone's blowing up my phone. Wait please." Suna said, letting go of Y/ns hand. He took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked his phone. „Who is it?" Y/n asked. „Pisshair." Suna rolled his eyes and Y/n giggled slightly.

Suna scrolled up a bit to see what Y/n had texted.

How was it yesterday? 🤨

It went really well ;)

„Perfect." Suna whispered to himself with a giggle.

Bruh i hope
Y/n can still walk 🫢

Bitch that didn't even
happen. We just shared
a kiss as the dare said.

That's it? And
you said it went really

Well, mister.
Not everyone
is fucking their
girl in the first
five seconds they
met eachother like
you. 🙄

Oh shut it

„I think we should go or we're gonna be late for class..." Y/n said. Suna nodded and grabbed her hand again.

At lunch Y/n sat the volleyball club since she was a manager. „I can feel Mukata diging holes into my back with her stares." Y/n whispered to Aran. He giggled lightly. Aran and Y/n didn't like Mukata at all and saw what for a bitch she was.

„Bro seriously, why didn't you tell us you lived with Y/n?" Osamu whispered to Suna. „We wanted to keep it a secret so we won't get any unwanted attention." Suna whispered back. Osamu nodded in understoodment.

The thing that was budging Suna the whole time was that Atsumu was really close to Y/n the entire time. And she made jokes with Aran and not him. Sure, they weren't dating but he still was the one that made out with her yesterday.

As lunch break was over Y/n and Suna walked together until they needed to split up. „Could we go to my favourite café after practice? Pretty please?" Y/n asked Suna. „Sure" Suna said. „I'm suprised that the turtle neck works so good. I thought more people would stare at me confused. But only Mei did." Y/n shrugged.

„You didn't tell her, right?" Suna asked. „Of course i didn't." Y/n said. „But back to you favourite café. I don't really like your guy friend there." Suna said. „Really? He has been my friend since we were little kids..." Y/n sighed. „Well, i need to go now. See you at practice!" Y/n smiled and the boy and went into her class.

„Suna-senpai! Could you please help me get the water bucket from up there? You're so tall and i'm so short that i can't reach it." Mukata giggled. „Such a pick me girl." Aran rolled his eyes. Y/n laughed.

Suna looked at the girl confused. „There's literally a water bucket on the floor. Just take this one, stupid." Suna whispered the last word not wanting her to throw a tantrum or something like that.

„Oh right. I'm such an idiot!" Mukata laughed awkwardly. „Yeah, you are." Y/n said as Suna stepped next to her, making him laugh lightly.

„We will have the trainings camp in one week. Are you guys exited?" Aran asked the two. „Oh i completely forgot about that! But yeah, i can't wait to meet other teams!" Y/n said excited. They're just gonna take you away from me... Suna tought.

An: Idk what to say rn

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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