Chapter 16

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Y/n woke up at the sound of her alarm. She opened her eyes and saw that she felt asleep on the couch. She looked around to see Suna but didn't. Y/n got up and went upstairs to change into her school uniform.

After she did her morning routine she went downstairs to see Suna in his school uniform too, making breakfast. He was listening to music so he didn't notice Y/n. Y/n sneaked up on him and took one of his airpods.

She put it into her ear and heard You get me so high from The neighbourhood. „Damn boy, you having some good taste in music." Y/n said while smirking and giving Suna his airpod back. „Thanks, i really appreciate that, miss L/n." Suna said.

„Uhm, i tried to do us breakfast because you're always the one who cooks for us so yeah..." Suna said awkwardly. Y/n took a bite of her breakfast and her eyes started sparkling. „Mhh, Suna this is delicious!" Y/n said while taking another bite. Suna looked at the girl shocked.

„You think so?" „Yeah, it's really tasty. Here, try." Y/n said while taking a piece on her fork and handing it torwards Suna. He took the fork and took it into his mouth. Indirect kiss was echoing trough Y/ns head but she pushed it away. „It's not bad..." Suna said while placing the fork on Y/ns plate.

After breakfast the two started leaving their house as they froze. The twins. Osamu and Atsumu were looking shocked at the two. Y/n ran up to the two trying to explain things. „What is he doing here?" Atsumu asked. „Uhm, well, Suna came over because of the project we need to do together and i suggested him to sleep here because my brothers room's empty anyway so..." Y/n looked at Suna nervously who now standed next to her.

Suna nodded. „Ahh, i already thought that you guys you know..." Atsumu said while smirking at the two. „You piece of dumb shit, i'm gonna kill you." Y/n said to an running Atsumu. „Wait Tsumu! I need to bring the knife~" Y/n sang, chasing after Atsumu.

„You sure there's nothing between you two?" Osamu asked. „Dude, no. She's just a friend." Suna said. Osamu just hummed and started walking towards the school. „I think Atsumu and Y/n would be a great couple, don't you think?" Osamu said.

Suna just nodded. But inside he felt like he was going to explode. Osamu saw that Suna was pissed, and exactly that was his plan. Someone needed to do the first move, didn't they?

As the two reached the school, they already saw the group of fangirls standing around Atsumu. Y/n just standed beside the group and looked disgusted to the group. Suna chuckled and got to Y/n. „I really don't understand what they see in Atsumu. His name should be mr. pisshair." Y/n said.

Suna just giggled and nodded. „In two days we're gonna hang out, you guys curious?" Osamu said while walking to the two. Y/n nodded slowly. „But can we go to a sushi restaurant? I wasn't in one for like an eternity." Y/n sighed.

„Yeah sure, if the others want too." Osamu said while looking at Suna. „I don't mind. I love sushi anyways." Suna said. The bell rang. „Well, we need to go. See you guys at lunch." Osamu said while dragging his twin brother with him.

Y/n waved and looked at Suna. „We have the same class. Lets go?" Y/n asked. Suna nodded and they started going to their class. „I'm gonna make sure she's gonna be hurt." Shenayas words echoed trough Sunas head.

„Don't worry, if they dare land a hand on me i'll be kicking their asses." Y/n said like she could read Sunas toughts. They got into class and sat next to eachother. The teacher entered and Y/n started taking notes. She didn't notice that a certain someone was looking at her the whole time.

She looks so gorgeous, the sunlight makes her face even softer... the person thought. (Hmm, who could it be??)

After classes Suna met Y/n in the hallway. „You can already go to our table. I just need to do something real quick." Y/n told Suna. He nodded and entered the cafeteria.

„Where's Y/n?" Atsumu asked as Suna sat down at their table. „She needed to do something." Suna said. Atsumu nodded and continued eating his lunch. After ten minutes Suna started worrying. „Don't you think she's away for a long time now?" Suna asked the twins.

Atsumu shrugged. „She's a slow person." he said. „I'll go check." Suna said. „I'll come with you." Osamu said, standing up. They went out of the cafeteria and saw Y/n with a tall guy. Suna and Osamu decided to stay around the corner to listen.

„You're really pretty, do you know that?" the guy said. „Uhh, thanks?" Y/n said. „Now would you mind following me into that classroom?" the guy said, pointing at a classroom. „No thank you, i'll think i'll pass." Y/n said.

But the guy grabbed Y/n at her wrist and started dragging her towards the classroom. Suna and Osamu ran towards the guy and Osamu held Y/n and Suna beated the shit out of the guy. „Suna, stop!" Y/n said seeing, that the guy was punching Suna too. After some minutes a teacher came and pulled the two away from eachother. „That's enough! Suna, R/n, into my office." the teacher said.

As Suna walked in front of Y/n, he looked at her mouthing ‚sorry'. Y/n followed the teacher wanting to clear everything.

„So you L/n tell me that R/n was sexually harassing you?" the teacher asked. Y/n nodded, squeezing Sunas hand. The teacher took off his glasses and massaged his head. „I understand. But next time please come and get a teacher. Suna, L/n, you're free to go. L/n please take Suna to the nurse." the teacher said.

Y/n nodded and dragged Suna with her.

An: Eeek! I wish this could happen with me... like not the sexuall harassing 😶.

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Have a nice day/night! 🤍✨

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