Chapter 37

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"Princess, come on let's go." Suna opened the door of Y/n's room. "One second." Y/n said, grabbing her wallet and putting it into her backpack.

The two were heading to school in a comforting silence. As the two were by the gate, fangirls started whispering about Suna and some even went his way to give him a gift.

"Not this again." Suna rolled his eyes, dragging Y/n with him.

As Suna stopped, he looked around in the busy hallways of the school. "Rin, you can let me go now." Y/n chuckled. Suna didn't even realise he still held her so he let go, scratching his neck. "Sorry..." he mumbled.

Y/n looked him up and down. "You didn't sleep very much last night, did you?" Y/n asked, worry in her eyes. Suna just shook his head. "I guess i just didn't sleep well..." he mumbled, closing his eyes for a second.

„I think we need to go. See you at break, princess." Suna said as the bell rung, kissing Y/n's on the cheek.

Y/n smiled, going to her class.

Classes after classes went by as it was lunchtime. Y/n started looking for Suna, as she became a text from him.

„Let's eat outside today." Y/n had read, as she started heading outside.

Just as she saw Suna sitting on a bench, R/n blocked Y/n's way. It was the guy that had wanted to do it with her in a classroom...

„Could you please move?" Y/n asked, looking into his eyes. „Y/n, Y/n..." he lifted her chin with two fingers, looking dreamy into her eyes.

„My little girl. Where do you think you're going? You're gonna come with me." he said, pulling Y/n by her wrist to him.

Y/n's eyes started to tear up. She wanted to free herself but it didn't work.

Just as Y/n thought he would drag her with him someone pulled her away. Y/n opened her eyes, seeing it was Suna.

„She was coming to me." Suna said, smirking evilly. „What do you think you were doing with her?" he asked, rolling up his sleeves.

„Why would that be your business if i just would want to spend time with my love?" R/n asked, rolling up his sleeves too.

Y/n hugged Suna's arm, knowing he would protect her.

Your love? Sorry, i don't think i'm hearing right. But here's the news for you: She's my girlfriend so if you won't stay the fuck away from her i'm pretty sure i'm gonna beat your ass up." Suna said, taking a step towards R/n.

„Girlfriend? You gotta be kidding. Who would wanna date you? You're worth nothing. You're an lazy ass bastard that doesn't deserve her." R/n said.

„Don't you dare talk about him like that." Y/n stepped forward. Suna looked at her in shock.

„You know damn well i wouldn't date someone that's an asshole. I date Rin because i love the way he is. The way he cares about me. No one is like him, he's perfect." Y/n took another step.

„Just because you're a motherfucker no one wants doesn't mean no one wants anyone else. You're just an asshole who thinks he's the one. Wake up." as Y/n said the last sentence she slapped R/n.

R/n looked to the side in shock. „Now drag your ass somewhere else before i'll slap you another time." Y/n said.

She turned around, looking at Suna and hugged him. „You know you deserve the world, right?" Y/n whispered.

Suna didn't say anything he just kissed the top of her head, hugging her tight. Oh how he loved her.

„Let's eat now, shall we?" Y/n asked, looking at him and smiling.

Suna nodded slowly, letting her go and going to the bench. He sat down and Y/n did the same.

The two talked with eachother about their next date and how exited they were for the party.

Well, Y/n talked the most. Suna was deep in thoughts but he still listened to Y/n. What was he thinking about? About Shenaya. About the whole thing he had talked about with Osamu.

Should he tell her? It feels wrong not to tell her. But it's for her own good...

„Well, time is over. Let's meet up here to walk home after!" Y/n said, pecking Suna's lips.

Suna nodded, watching as the h/c girl went into the school building.

„N/n" someone called Y/n. The girl already knew who it was. She turned around and saw the grey-haired twin.

„Are you alright? I heard what had happene-" „I'm fine Samu. Suna was there." Y/n smiled.

Osamu nodded, heading to his class.

Y/n sat down and waited for the teacher. Her phone buzzed so she unlocked it.


I had heard what
had happened
you slayed

He was making me
aggressive bc
he was talking
about Rin like that.

Ew y'all are so
lovey-dovey imma
go throw up

You talking like
you and your
bf would be any
better. I caught yo
ass making out with
him 💀

You saw nothing

Alr 🧚‍♀️

Bro let's text
this class i'm in
is the shittiest shit
ever 😍

We are already
texting you
stupid ass bitch

Oh yeah right 😍

But nah fr
how's it going
with your bf

He already told
me he wanna marry

lol Rin told me
he wanna have
kids with me

They already
be planning future>>>

Husband material‼️


The teacher
is already looking
at me gotta go

Byee but you'll miss me

I won't miss u.

Y/n packed her phone away, looking at what the teacher had noted on the blackboard.

„I already know this shit..." she mumbled, closing her eyes and laying her head on the table.

It would be nice if you would vote!
Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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