Chapter 35

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After a half hour Atsumu came to the house too. „Hey guys!" he said as he entered the kitchen, seeing the two teenagers.

„What's up?" he asked as he saw Suna's head laying on the table and Osamu looking at his hands.

„Nothing." Osamu said, looking with his dark eyes at his twin brother. Atsumu shrugged.

„So i practiced today with Kiyoomi, right? And guess who i saw on the way home?" Atsumu made a dramatic pause.

„Terushima, the guy who invited us to the party. He even asked me about Y/n. You need to show him that she's yours." Atsumu hummed happily, going upstairs to his room.

This weren't the greatest news for Suna. Of course, he understood why many people were after her but still, he was having a hard time, he was scared he wasn't good enough.

„Look, if you weren't good enough, Y/n had already left you and not even talked to you. You should open your eyes and see how she looks at you. She admires you for the person that you are. It's fucking gross to be honest." Osamu said, like he could read Suna's mind.

„I'll go home, and thanks again." Suna said, nodding at Osamu. „Thank you for telling me." Osamu said, nodding too and going with Suna to the front door.

Suna went to his and Y/n's house, opening the door. „I'm back!" he said. Just as he said that he heard someone jumping down the stairs and after that he saw a h/c girl running towards him.

She jumped into his arms, giving all over his face little kisses. „I missed you." Y/n pouted, looking deeply into his eyes.

„I missed you too." Suna pecked Y/n's lips, walking with her to the couch and dropping her on it.

„I'll be right back." he said, turning around and going upstairs.

He quickly changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie, going downstairs again.

As he entered the living room he saw two bowls of ramen on the coffee table.

„Come on, let's eat." she smiled, taking a bowl. That made Suna remind the words from Kaito again, making him shiver.

They ate silently and it was budging Y/n. She knew Suna was the silent type but he didn't say a word for twenty minutes.

„Thank you for the food. Give me your bowl, i'll do the dishes." he said, standing up and taking the empty bowl from Y/n.

As he was done he went to the living room. „I'll go take a nap." he said, going upstairs. Y/n's eyes filled with tears. Did she do something wrong? He almost didn't spoke to her. She was probably just overreacting. He had his problems and needed to rest for a little.

Y/n calmed herself and decided to go up to her room too.

She let herself fall on the bed and unlocked her phone, deciding to text Mei.

Hey you sassy ass

Eyyo my least
favorite person
N/n 😋

How are you my
beautiful queen 😍

I'm great. Boys
are just annoying.
My bf decided to
argue with me and
i was right. Ofc 🫤

That sounds like
when a girl says
she's right even
when she's wrong..

But i really was right.
He even said himself
i was right. He googled
it and told me i was right!!

Okay okay i
believe u

And my brother is
annoying too.

Ohh yeah he exists
too 💀

He does..


If we won't marry until
we're 30 let's marry, like
u and me

Omg yes best idea

Ikr 💆‍♀️

Let's ft

Aight wait a sec

„Heyyy" Mei's voice greeted Y/n as she accepted the call. „Hiii" Y/n said, waving like a little child at her phone.

„Let's watch anime while we're on facetime." Mei said, taking her laptop. „You think this is gonna work?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

„Of course, trust me." Mei said, opening her laptop. „Why can't i just come over?" Y/n sighed, waiting until Mei started any anime.

„Because that would be the baddest timing right now..." Mei said, starting the anime.

I'm such an asshole. Suna groaned, thinking about how he had walked away. He stood up, slowly making his way over to Y/n's room without him realising.

He only realised when he was standing infront of Y/n's door. He sighed, slowly opening the door.

Y/n was asleep on the bed, but it seemed like she was facetiming with someone.

He got closer, realising it was Mei. He waved at her silently and she waved back, turning her attention towards the anime again.

Suna then took a blanket, snuggled next to Y/n and threw the blanket over the both. The second Suna had laid next to Y/n she already snuggled close, her face burried in his chest and her little hands clinging at his shirt.

„Imma leave you two." Mei whispered, waving as a goodbye and hanging up.

Suna hugged Y/n, kissing the top of her head. „I'm so sorry." he whispered. „I don't deserve you. You're too amazing. I just walked away. But i don't wanna lose you..." he whispered, tears building up in his eyes.

„You're the only one that can make me feel like this." he whispered. Y/n's breath calmed him, making him fall asleep too.

Y/n woke up feeling two strong arms holding her thightly, but in a comfortable way. A warmth spread around her body as she found out who it was.

She smiled to herself, happy he decided to come to her. But what was up with him? He seemed upset and had been different since... she went to the toilet at the café.

Did something happen? Did Shenaya text him? Maybe she could ask Kaito...

She sighed, rubbing her eyes. No, Suna would tell her if it was necessary for her to know.

But... he was her boyfriend after all and she was worried about him... what should she do?

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Have a nice day/night! 🩷✨

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