Chapter 11

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„I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's someone that wants to be manager too." he said while taking a step to the side, showing Y/n.

„Y/n? You want to be our manager? How cool!" or „Finally!" was going trough the group of boys. Y/n looked over to Mukata. Mukata was standing really near next to Suna, plus, she looked like she would explode in any moment.

„Well, i'm gonna leave then." the principal said. After he leaved the coach looked at Y/n concerned. „You sure you wanna do this?" he asked Y/n. Y/n nodded and smiled into the group.

Y/n looked at Mukata and bowed slighty. „I hope we both will be a help for the team." Y/n said, knowing she was pissing Mukata off. „Yeah.." Mukata said while giving the fakest smile to Y/n.

Atsumu and Osamu looked at the whole scenario. They couldn't believe Y/n was their manager now. „Okay, let's start with practice." the coach said while clapping his hands together. The boys sprinted to their positions and started playing.

„Here you go." Y/n said while handing a waterbottle to Aran. „Thanks. Man, i hope we'll win nationals." he said while looking at the ceiling. „You will." Y/n said while smiling, gathering almost everyones attention.

„You guys have a great teamwork and really strong players. Each of you can do something special in volleyball what makes you powerful. So you will win nationals!" Y/n said while patting Arans back. „Whoah. Thanks kid. I appreciate it." Aran said while smiling at Y/n. „Hey! You're just one year older than me!" Y/n yelled at her upperclassman.

„Tsk. How annoying." Mukata said, again standing next to Suna. But this time next to Atsumu too. „You think so? I appreciate this encouraging and it made me feel like we can do this." Suna said while turning around to look at Y/n. How cute she look- wait no no no. He couldn't think that.

„She just want's to stand there looking innocent and whatsoever." Mukata said while rolling her eyes. Suna shrugged and walked away. „Anyway, you've been playing really good today, Atsumu-senpai." Mukata flirted with Atsumu. „I know" Atsumu said, annoyed of Mukata. She was just there to flirt with him. And some seconds before, she was talking shit about Y/n!

„Okay guys! Let's continue with practice. Suna, Y/n, could you please come over to me." the coach said. Suna and Y/n got over to the coach, standing next to eachother. They were close to eachother. Too close. Y/n started blushing out of embarassment but tried to act.

„It's about which position you should play, Suna." the coach started. „Kita came to me saying he had already asking which position you would wanna play, and you said middle blocker, right?" the coach asked while looking at the boy with the brown hair. He nodded slightly.

„Y/n, what do you think?" the coach asked her. Time to be honest. Y/n tought while taking a deep breath. „I think the position middle blocker would suit Suna well. He's good in every single position but when he blocks you can see he's in his element." Y/n said while sighing. Was it too much? The coach nodded while smiling.

„That's the same thing i tought. Then you're a middle blocker Suna! Welcome to the team!" the coach said while patting Sunas back. Suna was still shocked about what Y/n had said about him. Was that really what she tought about him?

„Well then, get back to practice." the coach shooed the two away. Y/n took her place again on the bench while watching the game. To be honest she only watched a certain someone. A middle blocker who looked so hot while being in his eleme- Y/N STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM BEING HOT HSHSJSJJDDJ. Y/n thought, crying inside.

Mukata looked at Y/n, filled with jelaousy. She should be the one standing so close next to Suna. Not her. „Y/n! Could you please help me swipe the floor?" Kita asked the girl after practice. „Sure" Y/n nodded. „Atsumu-senpai, do you need help?" Mukata asked Atsumu. „No" Atsumu said, holding his answer short. Suna snorted quietly, understanding why Atsumu's so cold.

Y/n was packing her things together as she remembered something. She wanted to tell Suna he didn't needed to hang out with her and the twins. Should she really tell it? Wouldn't she sound mean like she didn't wanted to hang out with him- she didn't wanted to hang out with him in any way, she didn't even know him. Y/n stopped her mind before it could think anything completely stupid.

„Uh, hey Suna. About the hangout in the weekend." Y/n approached Suna. He quickly turned around, nervous, if she would yell at him for accepting the offer from Atsumu. „If you're not comfortable with it you can also just tell Atsumu that you don't want to hang out with us." Y/n said while fidgeting her fingers. Way too awkward.

„I'm totally cool with it. I haven't hung out with anyone in a long time now. I mean, if you're also fine with it.." Suna said, looking down at his feet. „What? No! I'm fine with it." Y/n said awkwardly. „Great.." Suna nodded. ... They didn't say anything for some seconds.

„How about we start new?" „How about we start new?" The two said at the exactly same time. They looked at each other for some seconds after bursting into laughter. „Let's grab a drink after cleaning this shit up." Suna said while grinning at Y/n. „Sure." Y/n said while smiling at the boy.

Ugh! What is she doing? She's a hundred procent flirting with Rin-senpai. I have a plan.. Mukata tought while starting to walk over to the two. She „accidentally" tripped and almost fell over Y/n, but suddenly Suna catched Mukata before she landed on the other girl. He quickly pushed her off before Mukata could think too far. Suna looked over at Y/n before looking around the gym. „Looks clean enough for me. Let's go?"

An: WBSBWJD I'M LITERALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY. Why do i sound so arrogant 😭 i mean i like where this is going.. doesn't matter! I'm sorry if there is any grammar mistakes!

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