Chapter 15 ~ Forgive but not forgotten

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Olivia started crying and crying on my shoulder and finally, released.

"I'm sorry" She said

"Yeah, we got to cry you know" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"no, I mean I'm sorry for all the things i have done. I'm sorry for being selfish, I'm sorry for- for- stealing everything from you" She started crying again. I felt my throat twist and felt like crying too.

"I know you can't forgive me, but I hope that you can understand me" Olivia started falling on her knees. I lifted her up.

"Olivia, all the things that happened to me, they may not be forgotten and I might not forgive you but I guess" Leaving a heavy sigh, " You showed me that you'll fight for your friendship. You'll stand by her no matter what. And I forgive you. We can wipe off the horrible things" I smiled leaving a tear on my cheek

She looked at me, her eyes glowing with delight. She hugged me and straightened her little black dress

"Hi I'm Olivia, and you are?" She offered a hand.

"Betty. Betty Abrams" I said shaking her hand. She chuckled.

"See Rachel? We're friends!" Olivia said.

"I need to go" Olivia said "I'm moving to a different country" I felt like it's a whole RED thing again.

"Well, I will see you Olivia." I said bowing my head.

"You too" She smiled and turned around "Oh and by the way," Turning her head "Trevor likes you. A LOT." Then started walking, I felt my cheeks burn.

I turned around and sat beside RED and update her with my life.

My mind starts to process and realized that I forgave Olivia. I guess, I should apologize to Ally.

"Ally, meet me at the Cafe Cafe today at 3" I texted her.

"Bye, RED, I need to finish and clear this business" I got up and left.

AT 2:45 I arrived at the Cafe Cafe and at 2:57, she showed up

"What do you need?" She said sitting across me.

"I just want to tell you I am sorry." Her frown turned upside down

"What?" She said.

"Here, coffee" I offered her a mocha coffee.

"I don't know what to say." She said staring at her coffee

"Maybe you can accept my apology or something, nothing less." I said looking at the ceiling like I didn't say anything.

"I forgive you. But I am sorry too" Ally said, smiling.

"Apology accepted" I shook her hand

"Have you seen Olivia lately?" Ally asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, she's going to a different country" I said. When Ally almost choked on her coffee.

"Oh." She coughed "Anyway, go talk to Trevor, we weren't a thing though. He ALWAYS talks about you. He's like a girl gossiping about guys." I laughed but in the inside I felt my blood boiling and my heart beating so fast.

Then we started chatting like nothing happened.

"I got to go, I'll see you" She stood up and hugged me

"See you" I smiled and she left. As the door closes, somebody opened it. It was Trevor.

He was searching for somebody and laid eyes on me and smiled.

Oh goodness, I hope I hid under a table or something.

He walked towards me and here I am, frozen still.

"Hi." Trevor said

"Hi." I said.

He cupped my face and --


is this a cliffhanger? idk


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