Chapter 6 ~ Rachel Eboni Dale

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When I was 9, I am already wearing glasses and kids thought that it was weird. I have no friends until I met Rachel Eboni Dale also known as RED because of her initials and her natural red hair.

'Hi!' I heard a sweet voice and a sweet smell. I was playing the Lego blocks by the way.

'Can I play with you?' She asked. I nodded.

'By the way my name is Rachel. You can call me Eboni because that's my second name or Rache or Eb. But I prefer you call me as RED.

'Okay, Hi Red! I am BLUE!' I laughed. But maybe Rachel didn't get the joke.

'I'm just kidding. I'm Betty. You can call me Betty.' I smiled. She was the first friend before Ally. And she was true.

'I'll call you Blue!' Then she smiled. Her red hair is shiny and her eyes are almost red. Her face structure is perfect and her perfect posture too. She is like a rocker Barbie doll or something.

'Why are you alone?'

'I don't have any friends.'

'I have a friend! Her name is Olivia! I can welcome you to her! You can be friends!'

The name sounds mean. I had a bad feeling about that.

'Just wait here.' Then she left and I started building an unknown building made by playful blocks.

Five minutes later she's back with a dark-haired girl with olive skin and cute freckles.

'Betty I would like you to meet Olivia. Olivia this is Betty. Shake hands.' I offered a hand but Olivia refused.

'Let's play catch the ball! Shall we?' Red suggested.

'I'm not good in anything physical.' I said shyly.

'It's fine. Come on! Then she grabbed my hand and ran.

She picked up a mint-green ball and threw it on my face. I had a red mark on my forehead up until now.

'I'm sorry!' She ran up to me.

'I'm fine. I'm fine! Everything's fine.' Then I fainted.

I woke up and I was in the clinic it touched my forehead and there a bandage in it. Then I heard tiny voices.

'Don't hang out with her.' It was Olivia's voice

'Why not? She kind!' It was Red's

'You told me that I will be your only friend!'

There was silence. So I spoke up. I tried to pretend that I just woke up. Geez, 9 year-olds nowadays. Really mature. Not being sarcastic.

'Where am I?' Then I heard some footsteps.

'Oh goodie! You're awake. You fainted so we brought you here.' Red said.

'Aaaand where's Olivia?' I asked

'Oh....(awkward silence) She just needs some fresh air. She's outside.'

Then we heard the door closed. Olivia left.

'I'm sorry.' I said

'What are you sorry for?' She asked

'You're friendship is broken because of me.' I looked down.

'It's not your fault.' She said and patted my shoulder. 'Are you sure you're okay?' She asked

I think it's really my fault. The first time I saw or took a glance on Olivia she was a happy-go-lucky girl. But now, she looks like she's burning because I stole her best friend.

'Yeah, I'm fine. You should go talk to Olivia and figure things out.' Then RED left.


2 years later,  I'm already 11 and me and RED still hang out.

'Do you think we can go to Narnia?' I said randomly just to cut-off the awkward silence.

'Yes! BLUE! YES!' She said while licking her ice cream. But something was seriously bothering her. But I didn't asked because I think it's personal.

'Where do you think Olivia is?' I asked shockingly.I didn't mean to say that but I already did.

'We hang out sometimes but not so much.' She said. I nodded. And that was our last conversation as friends.

A week later she knocked on my door.

'Oh! Hi RED!' I said. I looked at her reddish eyes. They were sad.

'What's wrong?' I asked. Then she collected her red hair on the side and sighed.

'I am going to Europe.' WHAT? WHAT DID SHE JUST  FREAKING SAY? Is she just going to leave me? Why? Is Olivia there? I want to ask her alot of questions. But my  mouth just blurted out one.


'Yes, Europe. Look, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you last week that we're leaving tomorrow--' She gestured her hands

'TOMORROW? RED? WHY? You should've told me! At least I can try and stop it.' I can't imagine life without her.

'You can't stop it. And I didn't tell it you last week because I was scared that our friendship might be over.' She cried.

'Well, it's over. Go live in Europe.' I said. Why am I mad at her? Why can't I just let go? We can just e-mail each other but that's never the same. One time my cousin and I were very close but they went to Canada, we send mails every single day but a few months later, we barely even talk.

I am scared to lose RED. I am scared to lose my only friend.

'WAIT!' She shouted 'We can send e-mails to each other! Face chat or something!'

'Do you think it's still the same?' I asked. She went silent.

'Goodbye, Rachel Eboni Dale. I hope you will have a good trip.' Then I slammed the door and cried. That's the last time I ever saw her.

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