Chapter 17 ~ Throwing hats

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"This is it." Trevor said, holding my hand.

"This is it." I mimicked.

"This is definitely it." Ally smiled.

"The program will start in 5 minutes" the emcee said.

I can still remember anything, the accidents, the crazy hectic weeks, the cramming days, my old glasses, my phone that I always press the ringtones to make it look like that I have friends, papers in front of me every night, lockers that I open and close everyday. Looking back, I will miss this school.

Today is graduation, and I'm wearing a plain white dress and a heart-shaped necklace.

Next step, college. I smiled at the school wishing high school would never end, but sometimes you have to let go of the best things in life and make a new one.

"Good morning, parents, teachers and of course, seniors." we cheered. The principal keep on speech when it's time for my speech as a valedictorian.

"Hi," I waved awkwardly "Um, you know me as Betty, the girl who got hit by bus and Olivia's mortal enemy. But guess what? we're friends." The students gasped.

"So anyway, thank you for the 4 amazing years," not really referring to the students but to Ally and Trevor, without them, my life would be boring as hell.

"I lost my mind back then but something changed, my friend made me realize what I'm doing. But it was too late to thank her. I have a one last favor for you, thank your friends for everything, thank them for being your friend, thank your boyfriend or girlfriend for never leaving you after all the thing you have been through, sticking up to you, of course, thank your teachers for helping you learn new things and also making you stronger because without them being a terror teacher, , you'll grow weak. Like a brat

"I bet, you will miss everything here, but we need to open the new chapter. College. And it might seem scary to open it but we are excited for it, like a book. So, to all seniors, don't be scared, frightened of new things. Try taking risks, because that's what life is for. Thank you and happy graduation seniors! I finished my speech trying to push all the emotions down. The crowd went silent but a second later they cheered. I smiled. I might not know them with all my heart, but I felt like I know them enough.

The receiving of diploma started and Sarah Carter, my revenge buddy, is behind me, "Hey Betty, great speech!" She said.

"Thanks Sarah, so how are things going?" I asked.

"The usual, thank you" Sarah thanked

"For what?" I said

"For that speech, making me realize a lot of things" She patted my back and leaned on her seat.

"Cameron Jeffrey" Cameron went up the stairs, making that 'ooh' face

"Charlie Blue" Charlie went up the stage, while Miranda Jeoffrey started cheering hysterically.

"Sarah Carter"

"Showtime" Sarah stood up, going up the stage,jumping up and down

"Miranda Jeoffrey"

"Ally Fords" Ally stood up, all preppy and pretty

"Trevor Miles." Trevor stood up, giving kisses to the girls, I laughed

"Olivia Dawson" Olivia. Not going to lie, I kinda miss her.

Then she was there, walking up the stage, strutting, wearing the school toga and cap. She was there. She caught me and nodded. I nodded back.

"Bethany Abrams" I stood up with all my pride, but instead of imagining my face as 'the new Betty', I imagined myself as the girl who is short, wears glasses, huge bangs, pimples and freckles, the girl who is bullied. The Betty I know.

"Congratulations" The principal smiled. I smiled back. And went off the stage.

"I thought you're name is Betty not Bethany? You said that before" Trevor asked.

"Yeah, but I don't use it much, so I kinda forgot my real name" I laughed

We finished the programs, bidding our goodbyes, I did cry, while hugging my revenge buddies watching them like they're off to college.

"Congrats, Betty" Ally said, I hugged her and I started crying. AGAIN.

"I'll miss you" I said

"Me too"

"What college will you attend?" I asked.

"I don't know yet"

We started talking and talking, until it was time.

"Hey" Trevor wrapped his arms around me. And I'm about to cry.

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"Because we might not see each other again" I sniffed

"Baby, we will, I won't leave you, heck, we saw the future" He wiped off my tears.

"I love you" Trevor smiled.

"I love you too"

And we walked off our separate ways.



Hope you like this chapter! It's almost doneeeeee, Gosh I will miss writing this, Aug 22, 2014 is when I started writing this, and to all Filipinos here, WALANG FOREVER. Haha. Okay bye.

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See ya!


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