Chapter 18 ~ Diamonds and Roses

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Finally, done with work.

It's been 3 years since I'm working and me and Trevor are still together, it's pretty cool.

"Hey babe" Trevor said, opening the car for me

"For a hundredth time, don't call me that" I said, walking down the stairs.

"Fine, should I call you 1/2 cup of flour or cupcake?" He beamed.

"1/2 cup of flour please" We laughed, I reached the car and kissed him. I got inside the passenger seat and him on the driver's seat.

"We'll have dinner" He said, shaking

"Dinner? What's the occasion?" I asked, for all I know, nothing's special.

"Uhh, it's because Ally's coming back"

"Oh really!" I said, Ally was in London for 3 years, basically after college graduation, we did meet up on our first days in college but as time went by, we got busy and more occupied. But she informed me that she will go to London as a designer and I'm proud of her.

"Yeah.... yeah yeah. She's going back" Trevor hesitated

"Are you sure?" I said "Because it seems like you're hesitating"

"No! no no no no. I'm just excited for her"

"She didn't even inform me" I sighed. Trevor took me hand and smiled.

"It's okay 1/2 cup of flour"

I giggled. He's such a sweetie.

We reached home and I saw a paper bag

"Wear this" Trevor whispered in my ear as he held my waist.


"Don't you want to look presentable infront of the famous designer? She'll end up judging you" Trevor explained.

"Oh yeah. Right. What are you wearing?"
I thought he was just going to wear jeans and a shirt

"Tux. Ally's a judger" We laughed. "Now, go get dressed. I love you" He kissed my cheek and went upstairs.

I took out the dress and it was a long dress, it was in the color periwinkle with glitters at the bottom, it would sure reach the floor. it was sleeveless, I took out the shoes and they were brown pumps, IT IS SO ADORABLE. This must've cost a fortune. Dude, I rather be judged than buying expensive things, but Trevor insisted.

"You ready?-- wow, you look amazing. You look beautiful" Trevor said, walking towards me.

"It's so expensive" I said "and I'm sorry for dressing up for so long"

"It's okay" He smiled. "It's worth the wait." I frowned at the last one he said, like it meant something else.

We went inside the car not saying a word then we reached the meet-up.

"So where is--- Whoa" The place is beautiful, filled with yellow fairylights, then there was a dinner table for two and it was inside a carriage, like Cinderella's.

I walked towards the carriage, and went inside, I heard Trevor's footsteps behind me too. Then I realized there was only a table for two.

"Why is it only for---" I turned around and he was kneeling, almost crying.

"Trevor?" My heart starts skipping, my mind tries to no believe. This is like a fairytale. Like a dream.

"Betty, I know we got off a bad start, I know you hate me after all I've done to you, but when I learn about you more, I start to fall, I always wanted to see you, to touch you, to kiss you. But now, I want it to be like a dream facing the reality. So...." He took out a box from his pocket.

"Bethany Abrams, will you marry me?"

My face is shocked, tears falling down uncontrollably, I don't know what to say, what to do I don't--


Words slipped out of my mouth as if my heart and mind told me to follow them since they're besties now and there's no need for the follow your heart or your mind thing.

He put the ring on my left hand. "I love you 1/2 cup of flour" Cupping my face and kissed me.

It was magical.

We ate dinner then I remembered, "Oh where's Ally?"

"Oh, I lied about that, it's a good thing you didn't picked up the pieces."

"Yeah you're good" I said.

We finished eating. And started to go to our car.

"Wait" I said. I climbed up on the car and stood up.

"What are you doing?" Treovr laughed.



Hope you guys like this chapter, last chapter awaaaay! Gosh, I'll miss this. Didn't reach a year though, but I'll try to make it a year on my other stories :)

Follow me on Twittah!

@ Ihlaurente

(bonus: read my other stories, they're good as this one ;))

See ya!


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