Chapter 5 ~ Just a friend

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I thought about Ally.

Should I still be friends with her? Or nah?

I mean, I haven't got a friend before. I should erase everything that I heard from Olivia and Trevor. Maybe Ally is just a friend of Olivia and maybe Olivia just needs a shoulder to cry on. And maybe Ally is not one of Olivia's mean plans on me. I don't even know why she's mad at me!

I'll try to suspect but if nothing happens it means she not one of the mean girls. I'll try not to be suspicious. I went to my laptop and I adjusted my glasses. I opened my Facebook account and Whoa. I got a message!
I clicked the message and it says:

Hi! Can you please like my profile picture! Thanks!

Seriously?! But I liked it anyway. I search for Ally Fords and I saw her account her profile picture a close-up of her face and a duck-face. I clicked her profile and it was full of club pictures with Olivia and some friends.


I shook my head. SHE IS JUST A FRIEND.

I added her. And a few minutes later she accepted it. Then she chatted me.

'Hey guuuurl!'

'Hi.' I typed.

'Good thing you found my FB account. ;)"

"Your welcome" I sneezed. There's too much lies here.

"Listen, I need 2 go see ya latuuur! ;)"

I huffed. I can't believe the last time I opened my account was 5 months ago. And it's already 10:30
. I need to end this day. While others are just starting to parteeeh.

So I slept.

The next day, I did the usual morning routine. I realized that I should comb my hair. So I grabbed my mint-green brush and remove all the tangles in my brown hair. Then the vision of Trevor just.... popped.

His jet-black hair makes you fall inlove his warm blue eyes and his jersey jacket can make you swoon.

  I shook my head. He is not the one for me. He is a jerk.

But he is hot. I shook my head again and continue brushing. I am a commuter so I took a bus and a train. My school is pretty far. But I really love that school. 

The atmosphere is great, the environment is awesome. The school  is well-built. But the problem is Friends.

I reached my school and before the school starts I am tired.

I went to my locker. Expecting a Slurpee-plan that I heard. But nothing.

Is this true? I closed it and opened it again. Still nothing.

'Dude, you okay?' It was Ally.

'Mmm-hmm' I said not knowing how to respond.

I looked at her and she is like a Barbie doll. She is blonde and she has brown eyes. She wears make-up. And she also wear super tight clothes. How can she breathe in that outfit? I mean, seriously.

'Oooo-kay.' She said 'See ya!' The she threw a flying kiss at me.

Olivia appeared in the scene. She looked at me and smirked. Then disappeared.

I grabbed my books and went to my respective room. My room is full of chaos. But they have their own clique. I sat infront because the back is taken. I took out all of my books and I felt a person standing infront of me.

It was Trevor.

'What do you need Trevor?' I asked.

'Can you please help me in Algebra?' Say no say no say no.

'Sure!' Did I just say yes?

'Okay thanks!' Crap. I said yes. But I am over him. Am I? 

'Stupid' I whispered.

It was lunchtime and Ally and Trevor sat beside me. But I still feel alone. I was done and I left them.

'Betty.' Ally said

'What?' I said

'You haven't talked all day. Is there something wrong?' She asked. Trevor was staring at me it tried really hard not to make eye contact with his hot eyes.

I shook my head. And Ally's face was like nope-youre-not-okay.

'No you are not okay. Do you need rest or something.'

'How about we should tell her.' Trevor said finally speaking up. But she was looking at Ally. Then Ally turned around to Trevor. Making him the no look but Trevor shot him the yes look.

'About what?' I said. Is this true?

'Nothing just go.' Ally smiled. So I left.

It was dismissal and I was in my locker to get some books.

'Stupid, pathetic little girl.' It was Olivia.

'I know.' Then I closed my locker. I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand.

'You even don't know about a thing do you?' Oh yeah I do.

'What do you mean?' I lied. Then she let go of my arm.

I was hanging in one of the benches when I heard someone talking. To be honest, I am an eaves-dropper.

So I hid and it was Trevor and Ally.

'We should tell her.' Trevor said

'No, Olive said we should not tell her.' So it's true.

'We broke up and we should tell her.'

'Do not ruin the plans!' She shouted.

''Why does Olivia want revenge from  Betty?'' Trevor asked.

Ally was about to open her mouth then she closed it. 'Just.... don't ruin anything.'

But my runny nose was in a wrong timing.

I sneezed. Both of their eyes looked at me.

'ARE YOU SPYING?' Ally's face was red.



'Uhhh... I-i-i-i just came here.'

'No you're not!' Ally was in rage.

She was going to slap me but Trevor stopped her.


'GET OUT!' Trevor said so I turned aroung and guess who I saw?

Olivia. Great.

'Oh, you joined the party!' Olivia said. She was too tall because she is wearing 3-inch high heels.
 So I have to look up.

I tried to escape but she blocked it.

'Let's have some chat shall, we?'

Olivia looked at Trevor and Ally. And Trevor lets go of Ally and Ally calmed down.

'Sit.' I sat.

Should I ask her? She's staring at me like she knows I am telling something.

'Why do want revenge from Betty.. I mean from me? ' I finally asked.

'I got three things' Olivia said. I gulped.

'First one, I want to take this school ONLY for populars.' I want to protest because is she dumb? Like, that's gonna happen. I choked a laugh.

'Next, Trevor is flirting on you.' I looked at Trevor. REALLY?! I try hard not to blush.

'And lastly. RED.' AT first, I don't know who is she talking about. It was Rachel Eboni Dale.

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