Chapter 12 ~ Clown Party

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Today is the day for another revenge. Ally.

I woke up with a text. I reached for my phone then realized my cat pressed the ringtone settings.

I started getting ready for school, wore a skater skirt, daisy crop top and knee-high boots. Tousled my hair and went out my room.

"Morning mom, dad" I sat down the island.

"Morning sweetie" mom said placing the pancakes on my plate. "So the principal called today"

I was expecting the principal would call because I did get straight A's today "Yeah, what did he say?"

"He said you splash a beverage to Olivia i think?" She said looking up. I almost choked on my pancake. I looked at my father who seem in a deep thought. I tried signalling him to save me but noooo he really is in a deep thought.

"What?" I said

"Betty, even though you're changed in appearance, that shouldn't change who you truly are"

"Riiight, i should stay being bullied. Mom, I just need to finish this." I need to finish this.

Before my mom say another word, "Bye mom! Bye dad! See you later!" I cut the conversation. I stood up, grabbed my bag and kissed my parents on the cheek.

"LISA'S PARTY TONIGHT EVERYBODY INVITED!" a guy at the cafeteria shouted.

"you coming?" Trevor sat beside me

"Um, I'm sorry, are we friends?" I said wanting to slap my french fry at him but I'm worried that my french fry might get hurt.

"Come on, are you?" He said close enough to kiss my cheek. And me close enough to slap my whole french fries at him. I rolled my eyes and I saw Ally walked at the cafeteria which means she didn't hear about the party.

"Well, I have a reason now" I said to Trevor then stood up and approached Ally.

"Hey Ally!" Her face turned white that you can produce milk from her skin.

"Hi. Betty." She cleared her throat.

"Didn't you hear the party?" Her face lighten when I said party. She's a party-animal.

"Party? What party?" She said quickly.

"The clown party!" I did the jazz hands

"Clown party?" She didn't seem to believe me. My plan basically is that I know everybody's coming on Lisa's party so I am going to tell Ally that the theme will be a clown party then I am done with her.

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