Chapter 16 ~ Coffee

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He kissed me.

My body felt weak, my soul wants to fly away. He kissed me. My heart suddenly wants to kiss his heart to. His soft lips into my rough ones.

Trevor finally released. "I love you" He whispered, touching our foreheads, smiling.

I can't help but cry, smile or be mad. I don't know. I just let my mouth say what it want to say. PLEASE SAY I'M MAD AT YOU, MOUTH PLEASE

"I love you too"

My eyes popped, I covered my mouth, stupid mouth why do you do this?! He seemed shocked too, leaving a disbelief smile. He didn't say anything. He just took my hand and we left the coffee place.

"Trevor wait!" I stopped. Trevor looked at me, looking sad.

"Why? Is there somebody else? I thought you love me?" He said. I started laughing hysterically.

"No, there's no one else silly! I left my bag at the coffee place" I said, laughing. And he laughed uncomfortably.

I went inside to get my bag and I saw RED, sitting on the table I sat awhile ago, holding my bag.

Maybe it's my imagination or something. I walked slowly.

"Red?" I said.

"Blue, you're blooming" She smiled.

"Wha—" I am speechless

"I know, I know, I'm dead but we need to accept that right? I'm just here to tell you that I love you and no matter how many struggles you have in your life, just keep going." Red wiped my tear from my cheek and handed me my bag.

"You and Trevor would make a great couple, oh and see you later, Blue!" She handed me also my old glasses. I smiled looking at them.

"I'll see—-" I looked up and Red's gone. I sighed.

"I'll see you later, Red" I went out of the coffee place and meet Trevor.

We went inside his car. "By the way, where are we going?"

"Somewhere" He giggled.

"To the future?" I joked.

"You're right" He looked at me quickly and went back to the road or we might get killed.

Trevor held my hand and off we went to the future.


heyyy I know, it's short but yeah

just to remind you that only 2 more chapters and it's doneeee hehe my first story that's doneee srsly, even the unpublished ones. But I forgot when I started this. But I will still be doing some changes after I finished this story :))

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see ya!


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