Chapter 4 ~ Something Fishy

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I woke up and I saw my cat finish eating the fish. It's kinda weird because cats should eat the fishbones but my cat doesn't eat the bones. My cat actually doesn't have a name I don't know why.

I know, Weird.

I looked at my  phone and there was no message. But the last text he sent me was pretty scary. I shook my head then grabbed my gloves, took out my cat's fishbone. And got out it's kinda chilly then ran. While I was running I went too fast then I tripped. And my face is full of mud. Crap.

I went back to my room and went back to sleep again. I was snoring so loud, my cat scratched my head. 'Alright I'll get up.

I went down and noticed that my parents were not here. I saw food on the table. BACON, EGGS, CORNED BEEF, RICE AND JUICE!  I gobbled them up when I almost swallowed a paper that I didn't notice that it was on top of the food.

The note said:

Hi sweetie! Enjoy your breakfast! Me and dad have an early meeting. We love ya! Enjoy school!

Love, Mom..... and Dad.

Of course. At least my dad still have time to write his name on it.

I finished my breakfast and got dressed and said goodbye to my cat.

'Goodbye, i-don't-know-what-your-name-is-cat! I'll see you later!'

I walked until I reached my school. I went to my locker and a splash of blue paint ran over my face. My mouth dropped. I turned left. And saw Olivia crossing her arms.

'What?' Olivia said she looks like she's ready to fight.

But I don't want to. So I just smiled and said 'Thank you for making me blue. I kinda feel sad these days so I feel blue. Now, I can show my trueself!' I winked at her.

One of the jocks were like, 'Oooohh! Harsh man. Harsh.'

Olivia walked out and I ran to the nearest bathroom. I wiped my glasses. And  I don't know if this paint is pimple-free. I wish. But I just rubbed it off.

'Here.' I looked up and saw Ally handing me a white flowy dress. Crap. I don't like dresses.

'Uh thanks.' I grabbed the dress.

I went in one of the cubicles. 'THAT GIRL IS A BISH!!' Ally shouted and I can hear her footsteps walking around.

'Bish?' I said.

'Yeah, bish. I just don't want to say a bad word so bish.' She said and I can hear her stop and wash her hands.

I was done and I went out. Ally turned around and her expression was shocked.

'You don't like it? I can change if you want!' I was heading to the cubicle.

'No no no no no no no.' Ally took my hand 'You look absolutely fantastic!' She smiled.

We went out and I saw Trevor in his varsity jacket and leaning beside a wall.

'BETTY!' Trevor shouted. Me? I looked around to see any Betty's. Wait, I don't know who are the Betty's here. He waved at me.

'H-h-h-hey?' I said.

'Are you okay? Rumor said you got painted b--. Whoa.' He said looking down until he reached my face. 'You look AWESOME!'

'Uh thanks?' I want to ask him what he texted me last night but I don't want to ruin that he was praising me. So I decided I will ask him tomorrow.

It was lunchtime and it was awesome. My bestfriend and my crush on the same table. WITH ME!

'Okay, heads or tails?' Ally said holding a coin.

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