Author's Note

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Hello human,

You have reached your destination.

Thank you for coping up with my super duper extremely short chapters and my not-so-perfect grammar.

This is the first book I finished and I wrote this for like 2 years. WOW. Writing does take a lot of time.

I decided to not change anything here because it's my first time and I want it to  stay original. To be honest, I thought this was one of my "I'll delete it someday" but it wasn't and being a very honest person here, I'm pretty lazy to do this, I only did this because I got inspired about people changing but then I kind of lost inspiration and postponed it for about a year. But something nudged me to start writing again

Neil Gaiman once said that even if you're inspired or not, keep writing because if you end it, you'll not remember the scenes you were inspired or not. So keep writing.

Thank you for everybody, who read it, I know some of you got bored because I don't describe much, but thank you for all the people who liked it, and read this.

This is my last author's note here, I didn't even get to reached a thousand reads here but I think it won't reach it. I THINK. (Still hoping, tell your friends joke hahaha)

Anyways, have a great day, smile and work hard.

See ya!


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