Chapter 3 ~ Trevor oh Trevor

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OHMYGOD. I this even possible? Trevor is saying hi to me. SAYING HI TO ME!

What will I say? Hi? Hello? What's up? Are you a ninja? I don't know what to say. Okay, play it cool

'Oh, Hi Trevor! :)' I texted back. My heart was really beating fast. What will he tell me? I love you? No, that's to earlly. Maybe, wanna hang out sometime? That's when my phone rang again.

'Oops. Sorry, Bethany, right? Wrong send! I was supposed to give this to Olivia.'  What did I just read. I should probably correct that my name is Betty not Bethany.

'Um, it's fine. But I would like to correct you that my name is Betty not Bethany. Thanks for wasting my time that I was screaming and fan-girling inside my room because you texted me! ;)'But I erased the last sentence. Ugh. Why oh why?

I lay in my bed. Then my phone rang again. It's Trevor. 'APRIL FOOLS!!! HAHA' WAT. 

I am confused. First of all, it's August, second of all what the hell is wrong with him?

So, to solve this thing, I texted back. 'What do you mean it's April fools? It'sAugust.' I pressed send.

I waited for his reply and  it took 5 minutes. It feels like an hour to me.

'I'm really here to text to Betty. I mean you. Betty.' D'aaaawww!! The hi text was for me!

I was bouncing on my bed and I was screaming. 'Honey! Did something happened to you?' My mom shouted.

'Uh no, mom! I just screamed because I am watching a horror movie!' I said. But I didn't hear any reply which means she's working again.

I replied 'Oh, so what do you need? I mean, why did you say hi or something?' I was still standing on my bed.

'I just want to ask you if we can hang out or something.' OH MY GOSH. HE IS ASKING ME OUT. Or maybe he just wants to be friends.

'Sure but not today cause I got work and stuff.' Am I blushing? I looked at the mirror and saw my face like ketchup. I look like I have been hit by a wall so hard.

'Okay.Sure.' I stared at his reply. Should I reply? No. I said to myself to act cool and just be cool.

After dinner, I went to bed early to have my 'beauty 'sleep. LET ME DREAM ONCE. I took off my glasses. And closed my eyes. When I heard my phone rang again. I looked at it.

'Alright babe. She's gullible.'It was from Trevor. Babe? Gullible? I should reply.

'Um.'  Seriously what is he talking about?

'Sorry Betty wrong send!'And this time I think he's not joking. I smelly something fishy.

Literally fishy. 'Cause my cat is eating fish.

Anyway, maybe I should spy on Trevor. I'll do it tomorrow.

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