Chapter 7 ~ The accident

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'You stole her from me.' Olivia said. And she was about to cry. I was silent.

'I didn't.' I said with my throat dry.

'Yes, you did! We didn't hang out anymore. She didn't even told me that she's going to Europe! I just heard that because of my mom!' She started crying.

'So I am getting revenge from you. Many nerds out there wants to be friends with you. But I stopped them.' She said.

'Why?' I asked

'So you know how I felt when I was left alone. When Rachel picked you instead of me! Her first best friend!' Olivia started sobbing and Ally  went to comfort her.

They tricked me. All of them. I was right. Ally looked at me and shot death glares at me. I think I'm about to cry. I looked for Trevor. But he looked mad at me. Backstabbers. Trevor doesn't like me. Ally's not my friend at all. All this time. I'm still alone. That's when I started to cry. I don't know if I should say sorry to Olivia or give a speech to Ally and Trevor about backstabbing. I'm such a fool. I didn't even know why RED left.  Is she tired of being friends with me? Is she tired because she's trying to pick either the two of us?

No answer was answered.

'I- I'm sorry.' I stood up and ran other girl were blocking me but I pushed them and one of the girls almost fell on the garbage can. I guess that's where she belong.

I ran out and started crying. In my head were full of questions. I stopped. My vision is black I can't see anything. But I can hear something a honk.

It was  bus.

I was in the middle of a street.

I got hit.


There was a beeping sound

I don’t know what if was, but I think I’m in the hospital. I can’t open my eyes. But I can hear my mother talking to a guy. Am I having another dad? My mom’s cheating!

‘Mrs. Abrams, Betty is fine. This girl is lucky she survived. Most people don’t survived this tragedy.’ It was not a dad. It was a doctor.

‘Oh, what if she don’t wake up.’ My mom let out a heavy sigh.

‘She will.’ The doctor said.

‘It’s been two weeks!’ My mom exclaimed.

‘Patience. Mrs. Abrams, I have to go now,  go talk to your daughter, she might wake up.’ Then I heard the door closed. Like how Olivia left when we were 9.

I’ve been in the hospital for two weeks. Whoa.

‘Hey sweetie! How are you? Why did you attempt suicide?’ I want to say I didn’t attempt suicide. But I can’t.

‘Your dad can’t come. He’s working’ Of course.

‘Anyways, wake up already! And the doctor said that if you wake up. We will start the surgery.’ Surgery for what?

‘Your face has been hit pretty hard and we need to fixed that. Is it okay for you sweetie?’ I will be pretty? Yes! It’s okay! I can make revenge to the people that backstabbed me. I realized that pretty is pretty powerful.

I want to answer. Then my vision is starting to clear. My mom was standing there smiling. Then she started to freak out when she saw my eyes open.


My face is covered in a white gauze. I have been hit pretty hard.

The doctor came back and he screamed together with my mom.

'Thank goodness you're alive! It's a miracle!' The doctor said then they started hugging and jumping and hugging and jumping.

I started to speak. 'What surgery?' But I guess they can't hear me. So I cleared my throat. They stopped and looked at me with their happy eyes.

'What surgery?' I asked again.

'You're going to under-go a surgery for about... (calculating) 6 months.' The doctor said.

'6 MONTHS!' I said

'You can start school again next school year.' Then he smiled.

'Whoa.' My face hurts. 'Did anyone visited me?' I asked.

'Yeah, it's a red-headed girl with red eyes like she's wearing contacts. She gave you flowers' My mom said. Is it RED? Why is she here?

'Who is?' I gulped. My mom shrugged

'I don't know sweetie she just told me to give it to you. She's kinda nice.' NICE?

I shook my head. But it's kind of hard to shook it because of the bandages. I changed the subject.

'When's the surgery?' I asked

'Do you want it tomorrow?'

'YES!' I said and coughed badly.

'Don't move or speak too much. It will hurt you.' The doctor said

'Um, mom I need to sleep. Goodnight!' Then she kissed my forehead or the gauze on my forehead.

'Goodnight sweetie.'



They waxed my legs, my back and my arms.

'OWWWW!' I yelled.

'Sorry miss.' The girl said.

Then they made my skin tone lighter and beautiful.

Now to the face, they layered my hair and my eyebrows thin and fine. They made my lips small. And my pimples are gone! They made me wear contacts. They also fixed my nose. And did a little bit of make-up.

'Done.' The doctor said.

'Done?' I asked. Finally! After 6 months of removing every single hair in my body. And arranging my crooked face. I'm done!

The doctor gave me a mirror and I looked pretty. I look like a new-born baby but it's a teenager not a baby. Then the doctor gave me a floral headband for a finishing touch and winked.

My mom busted out of the door... with my dad. IMPOSSIBLE!

'My angel! You look like an angel!' My mom said, hugging me.

'Hey little champ.' My dad bro-fist me. My mom thanked everybody that took care of me. And gave them a tip.

I looked at my reflection again. I was beautiful. And hungry.

'Dad, I'm hungry.' I said

'Let's go eat.' My dad said.

So we went to McDonalds and ate. I ate about 7 burgers 3 sodas and 5 spaghetti-s. It's so hard to eat it because my face is so new that it's hard to move it, but I managed to.

Then we went home. I am so exhausted.

I went to bed. I can't wait to start school again. I don't even have a plan. I looked at my cat and gave him a fish.

'Been a long time since I haven't seen you.' Then he meowed. I meowed back.

I can't sleep. It's already 3 in the morning and I can't sleep! They say that if you can't sleep some ghost is watching you. Oh my.

But that's not why, I mean that's not how I feel. It hasn't sink in in me that I am pretty and I was thinking on how to get revenge on Olivia, Ally and Trevor. But I also thought about RED who gave me those flowers. Is she here?

I want to slap Olivia hard, I want to kick Ally hard, and I want to kiss Trevor so bad.

Wait. Did I just said the Trevor thingy? ERASE ERASE ERASE. He is a backstabbing bee-otch.

At four thirty in the morning I fell asleep. Finally.

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