Chapter 8 ~ Better than ever

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Okay Betts, this your first day, don't ruin it!

I opened my cabinet to find some cool outfits. I want to make some cool first impressions. But all I have are thick sweaters and sweatpants. I quickly asked my mom if I can borrow some of her clothes and she said yes! My mom has the coolest clothes ever! I went to her cabinet.

I have top three choices

a.) Baby pink dress and this sleeve-thingy like Belle's from Beauty and the Beast. There are ruffles down and it's made of 100% cotton which I am happy about because I don't like silk.

b.) Next, is this sleeveless cocktail blue dress.

c.) Lastly, is this lavender dress with a peter pan collar.

I removed the blue one.  Cause I might have a record in the prinicpal's office. A or C and so I asked my mom.

'Moooom!' I yelled.

'Yeah?' My mom yelled back

'A or C?' I asked.

'What do you mean A or C?'

'Just pick pleaseee?' I said.

'Fine. A.' She said.

'Thaaanks!' I yelled.

Ever since I had the accident I spend alot of my time with my parents. They have time for me! Except my dad. But my mom is still there!

I picked out dress A and put it on. I put a little bit of mascara, eyeliner and little eyeshadow and added a little blush for my cheeks. I was brushing my wavy hair when I heard some growling. I thought the monsters under my bed is back. But it was my tummy.

I went down and ate breakfast.

'It's your first day, honey!' My mom said as she put the bacon in my plate.

'Yup.' I gobbled up the bacon.

'Are you excited?' She asked

'More than excited!' I shouted.

'Eat more okay? And watch out for the buses out there. You never even told me how did you get that accident?'

'My vision just went black that's all' I said 'I'm done mom, bye!' I kissed my mom goodbye.

~~~~~~~~~at school~~~~~~~~~

I am at the parking lot. I took a deep breath. I went straight to the school. I think most of the students here will think that I am dead. Should I change my name? Nah.

I am infront of the school. No students. Guess I'm early. Or late.

I opened the door and tried to look cool. I walked sassy-ly. (If that's even a word) and smiled. There a bunch of students looking at me. I went to the principal's office but a lot of girls and guys escorting me to the office but I refused.

'Here, Mz. Abrams here iz your schedule. And zou know zour locker, right?' Principal Anderson said. I think he is not a foreigner or anything. He just wants that language. The Principal Anderson language.

'Yes, Principal Anderson'

'Good, zou can now go.' I stood up and walked away. When I reached the door

'Mz. Abramz?' Principal Anderson said.

'Welcome back.' He said. I smiled and went to my locker.

I was walking to my locker and I saw a quick glance of Trevor. Whoaa. After 6 months. Hello.

I was infront of my locker and somebody spray painted my locker and it said "RIP BETTY ABRAMS, THE NERDY BEE-OTCH"

 Okaaaay? I'll cover it up later.

I opened my locker. And it's still the same as I left it. I grab my binders and notebooks and closed it. Then I heard someone whistle. 'Whoaaa. Hot girl getting Betty Abrams' books. MARRY ME!' But I turned away.

It was my physics class. I sat in my original seat. When a guy said 'Hey new girl, don't sit there. It's cursed.'

'Well then I'm going to break that curse.' I sat down.

I realized that Olivia's in my class. I smiled. I got ready for class then the bell rang. I searched for a spoiled narcissist. I was reading my physics book when somebody shouted. 'Hey Olivia!'

Because I was surprised, I realized I was on the floor. I fell from my chair.

'OMG! Honey, Are you okay?' It was Olivia.

'Yes.' I stood up.

'Let me help you' She offered.

'No thanks.' I sat down again

'Okay, anyways, you're pretty. What's your name?' Geez, what a fake. Faker than Barbie. Should I tell my name? Before I could answer. The teacher went inside. Thank goodness. I want to say Olivia my name when I'm confident.

'Good morning class. Miss Dawson please return to your respective seat.' Ms. Riley saidThen Olivia went to her seat.

'Thanks you, now to the attendance' Miss Riley went on and on. I thought about Ally. Is she still here? I saw Trevor he seemed like he moved on. Did he think that I was dead? Fine. Think of that way.

'Ms. Betty Abrams' Miss Riley called out.

'Uh. Miss Riley, she's dead.' Olivia said. Then some of the students chuckled.

'Miss Dawson. It's not a nice joke.' Miss Riley said.

'But it's not a joke it's---'

'Here' I cutted her off. Then everybody looked at me.

 'True.' She finished her sentence.

'Are you Miss Abrams? You don't look like miss Abrams?' Miss Riley lowered her glasses.

'That's kind of offensive but I am Betty Abrams. The girl who got hit by a bus.' I said. It's really offensive.

'Okay. I'm sorry Miss Abrams for offending you. But anyways, welcome back. Next, Olivia Dawson.'

The room was silent. Until I realized everybody was still looking at me.

'Uh, hi?' I said. Their mouth was open. And there's this one guy his mouth was open so wide saliva ran down. I tried not to laugh. I searched for Olivia and her face was pale like she had seen a ghost.

'Miss Dawson.' Then Olivia snapped back into reality.

'Uh. H-here.' I saw Olivia saying something but I can't hear it.

Physics was done, finally, after people staring at me. I went to my locker then I heard some jocks whispering something.

'Go say hi.' Some guy said.

'No' The other guy said.

'C'mon! She's pretty!' The first guy said again. Then someone huffed.

'Fine.' Then I realized they were talking about me. I heard some footsteps and murmuring. Run.  I closed my locker and head out.

'Hey wait.' Someone said with a familiar voice. I am not a fan of someone having a crush on me. I turned around.

It was Trevor.

'Ha' I said stunned to say hi back.

'What?' He said confusingly.

'Hi' I said.

'So, what's your name?' Greaaat.

'Do you know Betty Abrams?' I asked. His face flushed.

'Uh.' He cleared his throat. 'She's dead. And if you know her and if she told you anything about me liking her, it's not true. It's just childs-play. Now, can you tell me what's your name?' His voice is dry.

'Actually, Betty's not dead. She's healthy and happy.'

'Why do you say so?' His said with his face full of curiousity.

'Hi. I'm Betty Abrams.'

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