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SUMMARY:- Older Namjoon. Younger Seokjin. Hand kink? *

If you're not into smut feel free to skip.

All campers interested in smut may stay and remember to keep a bottle of hobi water beside you. Ensure safety!!!


Seokjin sat in the empty classroom staring blankly at the sketchbook in front of him.

He'd been trying to get some sort of inspiration for his designs but it seemed as if he couldn't think of anything. His brain was stuck.

He sighed.

He knew part of it was due to the fact that Namjoon had been gone abroad for an entire month and would be there for the next two months.

It felt so wrong for them to be away from each other for so long.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he brought it out, staring at the screen.

[Hyung: Baby, I miss you.]

Seokjin smiled as a small flush formed on his cheeks. Cheeky!

[Jinnie: I miss you too.]

[Jinnie: Send me a photo]

After sending the message, Seokjin frowned.

Did he sound too clingy? He didn't want to come off as too clingy to Namjoon. After all they had just...

His phone buzzed again.

Namjoon had sent a photo.

Surprisingly, it wasn't a photo of his face. Instead of the face Seokjin longed to see, it was a photo of his hands that was sent over.

In the photo, Namjoon's long well defined fingers were resting on some sort of instrument, veins faintly sticking out and wrist bones prominent. And despite it being a static photo, Seokjin felt like he could almost see those muscles and bones rising and falling along with the tugging of joints underneath that thin layer of skin.

Another thing he noted from the photo was that Namjoon's hand seemed to be coated in some sort of shimmering, wet, greasy looking substance.

Seokjin stared and stared, a peculiar feeling surging in his heart... and his groin.

Another message came through.

[Hyung: Was working]

Seokjin massaged his temples for a moment before sending a message back.

[Jinnie: Then I won't disturb you anymore. Go back to work.]

He quickly turned off the screen and stood up packing his stuff into his bag.

He felt he was really wierd. Seated in an empty classroom by himself and having strange thoughts over a dirty hand- really wierd.

He stood up and pulled his huge t-shirt down so it reached his thighs before leaving the class- saving the photo on a second thought before he did so.

He didn't head back to his dorm like usual deciding to settle for his and Namjoon's apartment.

He took a cab to the apartment. Walking there would almost take an entire hour.

At the time, the sky was already starting to darken. Night was approaching.

Seokjin went up the elevator and stepped into the apartment the familiar warmth and smell enveloping him.

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