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This is not dark. But there is murder. Both are serial murderers.

Their alias is TWINS.

The rest of the members make an entrance too. So yeah.


"Noona, you look so pretty. This hairstyle really brings out the shape of your face. If I wasn't familiar with you, I wouldn't know you're older. I'd think we're the same age. Really!" Taehyung said as he helped the lady arrange her hair.

The lady laughed happily. "You stinky boy! Where am I a noona? You should call Auntie."

Taehyung shook his head. "Auntie?! Noona, you look so young! Your friends would all be jealous since you look so youthful. Aiya! Tell them to come here to learn the secret of beauty." He winked at her.

The lady smiled and handed him a tip. "I definitely will."

He watched her leave with a smile on his face as he counted the tip she'd given him. Quite generous.

She was one of his foremost customers, a rich second generation chaebol. And her tips were quite huge.

He whistled as he strolled into the waiting room.

Jimin saw him coming and stood up to hug him excitedly.


Taehyung giggled at his obvious excitement. He couldn't be anymore obvious.

The people in the waiting room were basically all minding their business. Jimin had been to the salon so many times that some regular customers even thought he worked here.

Taehyung placed a kiss on Jimins cheeks. "I'll go get my stuff and we'll be out of here." He said.

Jimin nodded letting him go.

He took his seat and leisurely played a game while waiting.

Taehyung soon came back with a bag slung over his shoulders.

They both got into Jimin's car as he drove towards the outskirts of the city.

Taehyung was seated in the back seat rummaging through the things Jimin had brought with.

His eyes shone when he saw the unmistakable silver glint in the bag.

"Min, did you polish them again? They look so shiny! And these seem like new ones." He gasped.

Jimin chuckled. "Well, I know Kookie took your favorite ones so I bought a new set. I made sure it was really pretty. And I polished it to perfection. I haven't left home all day. Check the engravings on the handle."

Taehyung nodded appreciatively at the vivid engravings of peach blossoms. "They're really pretty. We should do this today. On the sternum. And maybe the soles too. You'll do the back and face."

Jimin nodded.


Baek Hyuk-Jae frowned deeply as he lit a ciggerate.

Fucking Baek Hae-il. He'd almost succeed in killing him today.

Luckily, he had been delayed by some matters or he would have already been dead.

He puffed out the smoke and sighed.

He should have killed the damn bastard when he had the chance. His idea of rubbing victory in the face if his enemy was the reason that tramp actually tried to kill him.

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