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I know, I know. Incest is wrong. But ignore this, okay?

Well, I promise I won't do it again.... maybe.... I think....

I try darlings, I honestly do. But this idea is too good to pass by. I mean nothing makes me happier than when Namjin is obsessed with each other. It's just so beautiful to think of. Isn't that what you feel too, come on!

Really wierd shit makes me happy.

Anyway, don't blame me. Honestly, I have no control over Namjin. What I do is just recording their relationships from different parallel universe. I have no blame in this. I'm completely innocent.

Since that's cleared, I allow all campers who are not averse to incest to approach carefully. Take note of the Violence tag.

For this one, you need snacks, a blanket, hobi water, and you should be safe inside your tents! Don't say I didn't warn y'all!

Now, forward!!!


Namjoon watched Seokjin who was driving the car silently. The older male was focused on the road and kept silent too.

He felt angry, really angry.

His Hyung had tried to drop him off with a psychiatrist in the guise of letting him stay with friend for a few days. He'd tried to abandon him.

It was such an unforgivable sin.

And even though he had come back for him before even getting to his car, Namjoon was still very angry.

What if his Hyung had already decided to abandon him? After all, he always brought trouble to his Hyung. It wasn't like he was much use. And he was probably also sick in the head too.

All these thought swirled round in his head and by the time he woke up from his daze, he realised that they were already home and his Hyung was no longer in the drivers seat.


He panicked slightly and opened the door frantically to look for his Hyung. However he'd pushed the door too hard and his Hyung who had been on the other side got hit on his nose.

Namjoon got out of the car and stared at his Hyung who sat on the floor rubbing the bridge of his nose. He looked up at him and raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Joon-ah, did you do that on purpose?"

For some reason, Namjoon felt annoyed. After almost abandoning him he was able to act like nothing had happened?

He raised a foot and stepped on Seokjin's shoulders firmly kicking him over. Then he stepped on his face with the sole of his shoe; his long eyelashes, rudy lips, alluring eyes and sharp nose bridge.

Seokjin didn't fight back letting him do as he pleased. His face was covered in dirt and the corners of his quirked up lip was slightly bleeding.

NAMJIN {Oneshots Campground}Where stories live. Discover now