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All kinds of things run around in my head. This is one of them.

The idea for this just came from nowhere. Okay, I'll be honest. I saw Jungkook's face and i just got the idea.

Why Jungkook, you ask? Well, I don't know ow either. I was browsing through space and saw Jungkook and boom! The idea fell into my head! Like magic!

Incase you're curious, it's a meme of Jk staring into nothingness. After that, everything just kind of followed along.

What can I say, inspiration comes from everything. 😏 [ignore the smugness]

Now, now run along.


"Hyung, how long will you be gone for?" Taehyung asked swinging Seokjin's arm from side to side. Namjoon and Hoseok were helping him place his suitcase and a bunch of gifts in the  car trunk.

Jimin stood beside Taehyung wincing lightly as the wind blew his hair into his eyes.

Seokjin helped him move his hair out of his face as he answered Taehyung's questions. "2 or 3 days."

"3 days?!!" Jungkook who had just run out of the house in just his pyjamas and socks yelled.

He ran to Seokjin and clung to him. "Hyung, you're leaving for a whole 3 days. Why? And when I was sleeping? Are you going to abandon me?" He stared at the other man with wide innocent eyes.

Seokjin pinched his nose. Usually, this kid acted like a brat but at times like this he knew how to act cute.

"Yup. I'm leaving the six of you for 3 days. Don't die before I'm back." He said calmly.

The three maknaes burst out in dramatic wails as they clung to Seokjin like their lifeline. "Hyung~~~~"


Yoongi appeared on the porch and stared at the scene of the three clinging to the oldest. He tsk-ed audibly. "He's not dying, you know." He commented as he walked up to them.

Seokjin finally pried the kids off him and looked at Yoongi's half asleep, half dead and somewhat awake appearance.

"Min Ahjhussi, take care of the big kids. I hand them over to you." He said.

"I don't want them but what can I do.... ah." Yoongi grumbled.

Hoseok threw his hands over Yoongi's shoulders from behind a grin on his face.

"Hyung-nim~ We'll have to depend on you for the next couple of days. Take care of your donsaengs~~" He said, cheerily drawing out his words.

Namjoon who was beside him chuckled at Yoongi's sour expression. Yoongi glared at him and he shut up.

Staring at the six men in front of him, Seokjin decided that leaving them for a while would not be that bad.

"Okay, Yoongi's in charge. Joon and Hobi are helping with the kids. That's all, I have to go." Seokjin said waving his hands as he made to get into the drivers seat.

"Hyung~~~~" the maknaes hugged him again.

Seokjin sighed. Such babies. But they should at least consider the fact that while they were his babies, they were completely grown men and were fucking heavy! Damn, he was about to die from being crushed!

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