NAMJIN:- Drowsy Winter [1]

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TITLE:- Drowsy Winter [1]

SUMMARY:- Namjoon and Seokjin are hybrids. Seokjin is a squirel and Namjoon is a bear. Y'all shouldn't tell me that bears eat squirrels, I know that. But they live in a civilised society. Eating another hybrid is illegal.

Hybrid. Height difference.

Before any camper continues, be aware that I am still very inexperienced, okay?


Seokjin stood in front of the huge house.

He looked at his phone again. The address was correct.

He grabbed onto the bag of nuts tightly. He'd have preferred holding onto his tail or a stuffie the bag wpuld just have to do.

So he suppressed the urge to nervously hug his tail and raised his hand to knock.

As his knock echoed, so did his heartbeat. He felt very nervous.

After all, coming to the house of a complete stranger for the hibernation seemed quite wierd.

If only his log cabin which was stocked full with all his hibernation supplies hadn't suddenly burnt down he wouldn't be here.

And if only he wasn't so terribly afraid of the cold.

As he was contemplating leaving this place and going to look for somewhere else to spend the winter, the door opened.

Standing in front of him was a person he had to crane his neck to look at.

He took a few steps backwards to avoid snapping his neck completely.

"Um... hey. Yoongi told me to come here." He said to the person.

Aish, Jin! Must you be so awkward?!

The person  in front of him was a grizzly. Exceptionally tall as most bears were and with a broad frame. He had on sweatpants and a sweater that must be really, really, really huge for it to look oversized on the bear.

The bear had on a somewhat drowsy expression which was understandable since it had slowly started to snow.

The brown haired man smiled. "Oh hey. S... Seokjin? Right?"

Sokjin nodded. "En."

The man opened the door wider for him to come in and Seokjin stepped in tentatively.

He however involuntarily relaxed from the ensuing warmth inside the house.

He turned round and handed the bag of nuts he'd gotten with the rest of his money left after the fire.

"I brought this... Just in case."

"Thank you." The bear said collecting the bag from his hands.

He seemed friendly.

"I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon. I'm not sure Yoongi told you." He had said.

Seokjin shook his head. Yoongi hadn't told him.

He'd just said he would ask another friend to let him stay the winter.

"I'll show you around."

Seokjin followed him from the large pantry that was fully stocked, to the bedroom he'd gotten ready for him.

Seokjin stared round the huge room that was almost the size of his entire cabin. The rug was very plush and soft and the blankets on the bed were fluffy. There were also nuts placed in bowls on the nightstand. And pilows and stuffies and...

Seokjin hugged his tail to hold in his urge to burrow into the blankets and scream.

This was his dream, ah!

Namjoon secretly admired the smaller from where he stood at the entrance of the room.

The squirel with his big, bright doe eyes, flushed cheeks and his slender arms holding onto his furry tail.

He looked unbelievably adorable.

Just like a li-

Namjoon coughed to stop himself from thinking anymore. "Do you like it?" He asked the squirel.

Seokjin nodded rapidly.

Namjoon smiled at his actions. "My room is down the corridor. Just in case." He said before closing the door and leaving.

Inside the room, Seokjin immediately jumped on the bed and reeled in the fluffiness.

It was basically heaven.

He took a hot bath before changing into the pyjamas in the closet.

Then he picked up all the stuffies and placed them on the bed one by one. Just staring at them already made him happy.

This was probably going to be his most favorite winter ever.


AigooIsn't Seokjin the cutest!?

This is where I end for now. It'll have a second part.

I plan on making this one DDLB. But I haven't done that before, so I'll have to get some research done.

But part 2 will definitely come.

.... I guess....

Get ready for the teeth rotting fluff  in part 2, though. Not so sure of myself, but we'll see about that.

Remember to share snacks. Ramen is also allowed in camp. So feel free to snack on!!! Be nice to fellow campers!!!

Also remember to keep your hobi water beside you in preparation of the next oneshot.

See you at the next oneshot 👋

— Xenon717

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