knowing my fate

625 18 10

San Diego - California

As Trixie and Katya left the stage for the night, you smiled at Katya like you'd always do after the show. You would finally be heading home for the last show tomorrow morning, and you literally didn't know what to expect from the few weeks to come before you resumed the tour. She winked at you like usual as she made her way to her dressing room to de-drag for the night.

You didn't know how to put your feelings into words, there's a mixture of anticipation and nervousness that filled you. These last few days went by pretty smoothly and you didn't want things to change, well... for the worst that is. Brian and you had tried to maintain as much composure as you possibly could under the given circumstances. Especially after what happened that morning in Milwaukee...

Brian had given you space, but constantly made sure to assure that you could always count on him. You tried to keep a safe physical distance from each other most times, trying your hardest not to give into temptation. But that didn't stop you from finding yourselves desperately kissing each other when no one was watching. You were very aware that Brian's, and yours, capacity of going longer without fucking was shrinking by the second. So that also made you incredibly relieved to be close to home.

Things were finally good on tour for you and if there's something you're having with Brian, it's a lot of fun. You had secretly sneaked into his hotel room like you had planned, so that you could get ready for the after party together. He welcomed you in, you walked past him and put your bag on the couch in his room, practically throwing yourself on his bed as your head landed on his pillow.

"I'm exhausted..." You groaned. Hearing him chuckling and feeling the bed shift as he sat down by your side.

"Come on, (Y/N). It's gonna be fun, I promise" He brought his hand up to caress your hair as you were facing down. His touch sending immediate shivers through you.

You shifted to face him, dramatically lifting your arms to the air, signaling that you wanted his help to get rid of your work clothes. It was then that your eyes analyzed his shirtless body as he stood up and towered over you, only wearing his jeans as he got to undress you. His hands unbuttoning your pants and sliding them down, lifting your shirt up as you sat down and unclasped your bra, throwing it to him as you coyly smiled and laid back down.

Brian smirked, throwing the clothes to the side as his hands softly trailed up your legs and tugged at your panties, silently asking for consent. You nodded, biting your lip as he slowly and teasingly slid the piece down your legs. The mood in the room was hot and you couldn't get enough of teasing him, so you spread your legs, but only slightly. Brian looked at you like a goddamn simp as this proved to be quite a tantalizing view for him.

"Baby..." He groaned. "You can't do this to me" You could only smile at his neediness. But the moment is interrupted by his phone ringing on the nightstand and he picks up, willingly distracting himself from the view presented to him.

"I have a naked woman splayed out on my bed, how about you?" Brian said and your eyes immediately widened. He turned to face you, smiling at your reaction and mouthing "Trixie" to you.

"Alright, I'll be there in about thirty..." He continued before they ended the call.

"We're going to Trixie's room first and then we'll leave together..." He told you and you nodded.

"I'm still gonna kill you for the 'naked woman' bit" You squinted your eyes as he moved to hover over you, spreading your legs wider with his hot hands as he got in between them. While his face was only inches from yours.

"It's the truth though..." He said and by his tone, you could tell he was up to something. You breathed in at the friction of his jeans against your bare core.

I Kinda Hope They Catch Us - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now