miss me?

493 14 5

New Zealand

You heard the commotion from the room next to you, curious to know why that was but too nervous to be in his presence lately.

Who knew that sleeping with your boss could be a bad idea, right?

The last time you had actually talked had been back in his room that night. Which had you both pissed and confused at his actions, or better... lack of action. Since then, you had been through two shows and things couldn't have been more awkward between you two. Especially when around other people like Trixie, where he would have you pretending like he wasn't the guy fucking your brains out just the night before.

And speaking of Trixie, how could you ignore what happened that night after you left his room?

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?..." You hear before you lift your head up to meet the familiar face.

"And why are you on Katya's floor?" Trixie asks.


"What?" Your eyes widen.

"Why are you here? I mean now, not that you can't-" He gets nervous at your expression, thinking it's because of what he said.

"Oh- we were just talking about.. the... about the show and t-the costumes" You offer, cursing yourself for sounding so fucking stupid.

"Did she put a up fight when you told her that her wigs were crispy?" He joked and you laughed nervously, noticing how she analyzed your appearance.

"Why'd you say that?" You ask through a laugh.

"Well, if I didn't know any better, which maybe I don't, I'd say that you just made the Russian skank bust a nut in that room" He snickered.

"Oh- we didn't- we're not-..." You panic, quick to come up with an explanation, or at least try to.

"It's a joke, (Y/N)" He clarified, looking very confused at your reaction but proceeding to piece the puzzle together and you could practically see the engines turning.

"Of course..." You laugh nervously. "I have to go now... bye, Trixie..." You enter the elevator, quick to run from the situation.

"Right... bye" He scoffed lightly, looking as if he just had an insight.

You clearly remember looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that your shirt was only buttoned up halfway and how flushed your skin still looked. And if you slightly turned to the side, a love bite could be found on your neck. You were mortified.

Just the thought of it already had you blushing, wanting to disappear from earth. But then you finally discover what was going on in the room next to you.

"(Y/N)... you have to see this..." Mike entered the room with a smile on his face.

"See what?" You smile in return.

"They brought the fucking zoo here! There's a koala bear, a lizard and God knows what else... cmon girl!" He offered his hand and you took it reluctantly as you stand, anticipating someone's presence.

"Your boyfriend was pretty cozy with the snake, you had to be there..." He snickered.

"Mike..." You look at him with a disapproving look as you walk the hallway.

I Kinda Hope They Catch Us - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now