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It was just too much. Brian and Sarah being in the same place, at the same time. Sarah and Eden apparently being friends? You were even more lost. Brian looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but there, and you shared the same feeling.

"You guys know each other?" You opened your mouth to speak as you knew Brian wasn't gonna be able to come up with something at that first moment.

"Yes, Eden is Ava's best friend! I'm sure we all have hung out together at some point..." Sarah answered nonchalantly and you tried your very best to hide how shocked you were.

"I don't know, I think I wasn't included..." You jab, being totally sure that you hadn't met Eden before the tour... which only confirms what Ava said to you. Eden was frozen, Brian kept exchanging looks with her and you felt the same way as last night again.

"Of course you were, baby" Sarah assured you, well, tried to. And you were having a hard time trying to figure out if she realized she was just caught in a lie. Your eyes averted to Brian for a second and he looked like he could throw up when Sarah called you 'baby'.

"I'm sorry, we haven't met before. I'm Sarah, (Y/N)'s girlfriend..." She walked up to Brian, smiling and offering her hand. You had never seen her being this friendly before. Here we go...

"Oh, we don't need an introduction" Brian shook her hand but his tone is cold. Shit. "I heard a lot about you" He smiled with the fakest smile on earth after you shot daggers at him.

"Really?" Sarah looked back at you, sounding genuinely surprised. You nodded. "Good things, I hope" She joked and Brian suppressed a laugh.

"No need to worry, I'm sure you've done nothing wrong" He smirked and you were petrified.

"So, did you have fun? I hope you did, especially being gone for so long..." Sarah questioned, wanting details. You knew exactly what she wanted with this.

"We had a lovely time, Sarah" Brian kept the conversation going, enjoying to see how far he could go with it and push your buttons.

"I mean, being away for so long can be tiring and stressful, especially for someone who'd never been on the road like (Y/N). But don't worry, I offered her my shoulder... to cry on" He continued the teasing and your mind betrayed you, taking you back exactly to where Brian intended with his words.

You tried to relax, letting your legs rest on his shoulders, mewling quietly when his tongue went to work on your clit, rubbing relentlessly.

"It's getting late, I think we should go..." You clear your throat, trying to hide how flustered you got at the memory of Brian's mouth on you. He smirked, looking satisfied.

"True, and you're probably tired. Well, nice to meet you, Katya. Enjoy the break!" Sarah agreed, seemingly oblivious to any kind of tension between you, Brian or Eden.

"Nice to meet you too, Sarah. And I'll try to enjoy it as much as I can. But I think my mind is still on the road, so I can't wait to be back. Wouldn't you agree, (Y/N)?" Brian's eyes burn into yours.

"Yeah, you get used to it pretty quickly" You clarify his words to her, desperate to not let her read too much into things, but knowing exactly what he meant with his words.

"I can imagine. Well, it's a good thing that we're going on a trip then, right?" She continued and only dug your grave even more in the process.

"A trip? How fun!" Brian sounded monotonous, burning a hole into you with his eyes.

You were planning on telling him about the trip on your way back, but things went out of control last night and you didn't even have the opportunity to talk to him in the bus. The reason as to why you hadn't told him about it was because of the fact that you didn't want to ruin the lovely mood as of late talking about how you would be coming back to her and stuck together as you couldn't cancel the trip that was already paid for and there was no way you'd break up with her during a trip.

I Kinda Hope They Catch Us - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now