nice to meet you... again?

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You closed the dressing door and strutted that hallway with fire in your eyes, feeling like punching the walls around you. The absolute nerve of him.

You clench your fists, probably walking like a pissed toddler until your name gets called. You turn to your side with a death stare but quickly try to smooth your expression as you realize it was Trixie calling.

"(Y/N)!" You stop. "We need help..." She sighed dramatically, struggling to pull the tights over the padding as Mike assisted her.

"Oh, sure!" You try to sound approachable.

You enter her dressing room, getting to help them and realizing that the problem was in fact, the padding. It was placed incorrectly which explained why the tights were getting stuck. Trixie already had makeup on and was getting dressed, which made you wonder how things were going over in the dressing room next to you.

"Have you checked on Katya?" Trixie asked out of the blue and your heart skipped a beat.

"N-No, why?" You swallow hard.

"Oh, nothing..." She shrugged.

"Tell me" You insisted with a fake nonchalant smile.

"She's acting a little weird, I thought you'd know what was going on..." Trixie responded.

"And why would you think that?" You ask in a bit of a a dry way, fighting to keep your cool.

"I assumed she would have opened up with you, don't you get along?" She continued and you wondered what she wanted out of this.

It was a fact that she knew you got along.

"We do, but aren't you supposed to be closer?" You answered defensively. Did anyone else on the crew want to fuck with you today?

"You're a good runner up" She smirked.

You try to calm yourself down, swallowing your nerves and trying not to lose your shit. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Especially after what happened in that dressing room earlier. What is going on? Why's Brian fucking doing this?

"Hey, guys. Just wanted to let you know that Katya will be late a couple of minutes..." Eden popped in to tell you and you couldn't help but break a smirk.

"And people think I'm joking about her" She scoffed.

At this point Trixie already had her dress on and was in the process of gluing the wig. You stand awkwardly, uncomfortable enough to plan how you'd exit the room without any problem or suspicion.

"(Y/N)..." You heard your name being called. "Are you busy?" Gabriel, the photographer asked.

"Not really" You answered as you walked up to him.

"Can you assist me during the Meet & Greet today? It's not a lot, I promise. I just need some behind the scenes pictures and help with the cameras..." He explained. You weren't too amused at the ideia of being in the same room as Brian for longer than you had planned. But you also wouldn't refuse to help.

"Sure!" You nod.

"Great, thank you so much.." He breathed relieved.

"No biggie..." You smile politely.

"When Trixie finishes getting ready, follow her. We still have some minutes until it starts..." He instructed and you listened intently.

"Got it!" You nodded and he thanked before you walked back to the dressing room.

Great, now you were stuck here.

I Kinda Hope They Catch Us - Katya ZamoWhere stories live. Discover now