Chapter 2

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They all decide to go into a different base. Mya followed them around as she was given a quick tour. They got to what they call Red base and it was super dark as they headed to Woods office. Woods was beside Mya as they were walking. They got to a spot and Matt said to turn on the lights and when Mya did she saw some wording on the wall beside Woods area and she was in complete shock on what was happening. Mya was really focusing on the liquid or whatever crap is on there. Wood had made a point that the words were coming from the wall. Sam had explained that there was a ghost experience in the area and Mya seemed confused with her saying, "Are you sure. I'm very good with knowing about spiritual entities." Sam nodded then they kept talking about the words and Mya sat beside Wood as Sam asked Woods if there is anything to be explained. Mya looked at Woods as Woods looked at Mya then he said, "Matt have you checked the camera's? Matt shook his head no then he said, "Why don't we go check." Sam shook her head then said, "We should look around to see if there is any other place." Woods nodded as they walked around nobody saw anything.

They all headed back to the original base so that they could look at the footage for the camera's. They all walked to Matt's office when Mya said, "What's my overkill name gonna be? Since now I'm part of it and Project 863." She sat down beside Woods but then fell onto him looking down at him. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." Woods shook his head saying, "You're fine. You can sit on my lap if you wanna. I don't mind whatsoever." Mya smiled sitting on his lap they watch Matt pull up the security camera's  Then Matt saw all of them uncomfortable and said, "Do you really think I should get a couch." They all nodded and Sam said, "It would be cute." Matt chuckled grabbed his microphone and said, "But it wouldn't be mega." Mya rolled her then Matt said, "What about Majorkill? Be my 2nd in command?" 

Mya seemed confused saying, "I thought that Tanner was ur 2nd in command since he is Underkill." Bailey then said, "She does have a point. You know how there is Queenkill, Minikill, and Youngerkill." That's when it hit Matt as he looked at Mya. He remember for the longest time she wanted to be part of Nasa and she loved space. "We could do Novakill? For like Astronova. Since you like space." Mya smiled nodding then Matt pulled up the camera's so that they can see the footage. Matt then said that we should joke it off and Woods busted out laughing. Mya thought his laugh was attracting and smiled at him. Sam saw this and wanted them to get together. After awhile Mya didn't know how but she got into a comfortable position on Woods. Finally Matt got the recording up and she sat up but Woods then pulled her down she smiled to herself. 

They got to some footage and everything seemed good when all the sudden words started to come out of the wall. Mya seemed freaked by this and Woods could tell as he wrapped his arm around her to comfort her. "Why is this happening? Do y'all really think it could be Wes, or Deb?" Woods shrugged then Matt said, "There could be several possibilities Mya. We just need to make sure on what's going on." Then Sam spoke up as they watched it again. "What if it is a phantom." Matt seemed confused on what the word meant and had to look it up while Mya was shaking. Woods felt bad and was trying to comfort her. The girls wanted to watch the other ones but Mya was shaking but tried to stay strong to watch the others one but it only made her shake in fear more.

Matt then decided to ask other workers and Mya went to Matt and said, "I'm gonna work on some video's. I'll meet up with y'all later." Matt nodded and figured that he could ask Woods on what he thought on his niece since he was the one trying to calm her down. Mya didn't like attention so he was happy to know that Woods was there to help Mya calm down. After a few hours Woods and Matt came into Mya's office to see her working on an Project 863 video and she seemed worried. "Hey Mya?" Mya looked at her uncle and Woods and Matt said, "We were thinking on doing an overnight in the red base? What do you think?" Mya seemed worried and said, "If I'm allowed to bring some things for protection." Matt nodded leaving Woods and Mya together. "Mya if need I can stay with you that night. You uncle told me what happens. So if he can I would love to help you." Mya smiled giving him a nod as they walked out of the office and Matt took Mya back home.

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