Chapter 17

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Mya didn't want to be recorded for a stupid bit so that Matt could give some information on what was happening. They decided to set up in the conference room grabbing stuff to record and Mya said, "What about Ill be in the room and when you're in a stand still or she call for me I'll come. So she has options." Woods nodded as they set up and Mya didn't like to be around Matt very much for he had this energy coming off him she didn't like. Matt, Sam, and Bailey all went down to Megadesk so they could get help from subject 4. Woods was looking outside and Mya was working on some things when Woods said, "Why do you still love me or be with me?" Mya looked at Woods and said, "Why do you ask?" Woods looked at Mya and said, "I'be lied to you and been secretive but you are still with me." Mya walked over to Woods and said, "Because my mom said that if you love a person so much. You stick with that person even if they make tough choices that hurt you. That's the reason why she stayed with my dad. Because he was different before I was born." Woods nodded hugging Mya waiting for the patient to get here.

Everyone was in the front and discussing about what could be done and Matt said for Woods to be there alone and them in Megadesk watching the cameras. The only person who could be talking is Mya since the patient knows about Mya. After seeing them go into the room they all headed upstairs to the room beside to watch what was happening and to get a closer look. After a few questions the lady asked where Mya was and Woods said, "She's here. Would you like her to come to give more of a female presents?" The lady nodded when Matt gave Mya an AirPod and she went in to the room and the lady saw her and said, "You look more beautiful than I thought you would Mya." Mya smiled thank the lady as Woods continued. After a bit Mya saw that she was getting afraid and nudged Woods to stop firing questions and to slow it down. 

It got to the Paranormal part and something sparked Mya interest and Mya said, "May I ask you something?" The lady nodded and Mya said in a soft warm tone. "What do you mean that Syntec was ready for that sort of thing. Can you describe that?" The lady answered the question with following more with Woods question. After a bit some questions were harder for the lady to answer and Matt was getting frustrated and Mya wanted to stop this. But she couldn't just leave the meeting without looking suspicious. After Woods and Matt were talking she sense something and left and Mya was trying to persuade her but she left and Mya screamed with frustration and said, "IF MATT HAD JUST BEEN MORE PATIENT! WE WERE SO CLOSE WOODS!" 

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