Test Run

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"Grace Augustine is a legend!"Norm exclaimed excitedly to the Sully Siblings."She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean literally wrote the book on Pandora Botany."Norm explained as they walked into Lab, where the Link Units were set up.

"Well, that's 'cause she likes plants better then people."Max said, making Lia bite back a smile."Here she is, Cinderella back from the Ball."He said as they came to a stop in front of a redheaded woman, who was smoking."Grace, I would like you to meet Norm Spellman, and Jake and Lia Sully."

"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"Grace asked, her full attention on the only Junior Scientist of their little group.

"May the All Mother"He brought his hand up to his forehead, his fingers curled, only to open them as he rolled his arm back, flicking his fingers outward."smile upon our first meeting."He greeted Grace.

"Not bad. You sound a little formal."She stated, slightly complimenting him, and Norm chuckled weakly.

"I studied for five years... But there is much to learn."

Grace nodded, a small smile on her lips before looking directly at Lia."And what about you?"

"I would say my Na'vi is not as good as Norm's because I did not study it fully, but had Tommy teach me as much as he could when I was not studying to be a Doctor."Lia answered honestly, her voice slightly thickening as she said Tommy's name, which was something that Jake noticed and glanced up at her in worry."I would be honoured if you would continue to teach me."

Grace stared at her, looking surprised."If you ask me, I'd say your Na'vi is just fine and that you don't need any more teaching."Now it was Lia's turn to look surprised. She was sure her voice on the wobbly side and that some of her pronunciations were wrong, but to hear Grace say otherwise made her smile softly and nodded in thanks.

"Grace?"Max said, gaining the redhead's attention."This is Jake Sully."

"Ma'am."Jake greeted her politely, holding out his hand for her to shake, only she didn't, causing Lia to lose her smile and her eyes narrowed at the frown on Grace's face.

"Yeah, yeah."She said dismissively."I know who you are and I don't need you."Jake's hand dropped to his lap."I need your Brother."Lia bowed her head while Jake frowned."You know, PhD who trained for three years for this Mission."

"He's dead."Jake snapped and Lia flinched at the harshness of his voice, which everyone caught, and Jake grabbed her hand in his, rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of her hand."I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone."Grace, either because of the way Jake had snapped or because of the way Lia was looking off into the distance, didn't say anything else about Tommy.

"How much Lab Training have you had?"She asked instead, looking between the Adopted Siblings.

"I was studying to be a Doctor, so I took Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Classes throughout my High School years."Lia stated."Does that count as Lab Training?"She tried to joke to get rid of her own tension.

"But you never actually became a Doctor?"Grace stated questionably before Lia could continue speaking.

"Actually, she was in college when she was sixteen."Jake spoke up."She was in her second year of studying to get her MBChB's. She's already got her MD."

The trio stared at Lia in surprise."How old are you?"Max asked weakly, eyes wide.

"I was seventeen when I was put in cryo-sleep, so I'll be twenty-two this year."

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