Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 2

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The Na'vi woman merely stared at her silently before getting up and walked away from Lia, going over to where another Viperwolf was and sent a prayer for the small, wild animal, as Jake came over to her.

"Look, I know you probably don't understand this,"Jake, who had walked over and crouched down opposite the Na'vi woman."but thank you."

"Jake!"Lia hissed at him in disbelief, knowing that the Na'vi woman wouldn't take too kindly to Jake's gratitude, but thankfully, the Na'vi ignored him in favor of continuing her prayer.

"Thank you."He tried again, ignoring Lia's warning glance, and watched as the Na'vi woman pulled out the arrow."That was pretty impressive."The Na'vi woman glanced up at Jake, who had finally looked away from her, and Lia wanted to facepalm herself as Jake continued speaking;"I would have been screwed if you hadn't come along. It was..."He trailed off as the Na'vi woman got up and walked away from the Siblings."Hey, wait a second!"Jake got to his feet."Hey, where are you going?"

Lia mentally groaned as Jake started following the Na'vi woman."Jake, don't follow her!"Lia called after him, but Jake ignored her."Why does he never listen to me? He's gonna get himself killed."Lia whined under her breath.

"Wait up! Just... Hey, slow down."Lia followed after the duo, watching as Jake finally reached out to her."Look, wait up, I just want to say thanks for killing those things."Jake grabbed at her arm, trying to stop her from walking off, only to get whacked in the face by the Na'vi woman's bow, causing him to cry out."Damn!"

Lia paused and stared before she bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from laughing at Jake, but it was obvious that she was laughing due to the shaking of her shoulders, not that the woman or Jake noticed.

"Don't thank."The Na'vi woman said in broken English, her soft voice, surprising the Siblings, as she pointed her bow at Jake, while bending down to look him in the eyes."You don't thank for this."Her ears were pinned back and her tail swished in anger."This is sad. Very sad only."She tilted her head at Jake as if she was scolding a child.

Jake scooted to sit up."Ok, ok. I'm sorry."Jake made a hand motion, showing that he surrendered."Whatever I did, I am sorry."

She stood back up."All this is"She gestured behind them, where the dead Viperwolves were, and then pointed at Jake."is your fault. They did not need to die."

Jake's eyes narrowed as he looked at her in confusion and disbelief."My fault? They attacked me, attacked Lia. What was I supposed to do? Let them kill her?"He stated questionably, gesturing at Lia."So how am I the bad guy?"He asked, only to flinch when the woman jabbed her bow in his face while Lia took a step back, her eyes widening at the sudden show of aggressiveness.

"Your fault!"


"Your fault!

"Shh. Easy. Easy."Jake said, hoping to deescalate the situation.

"You're like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do."She said, rather insultingly in Lia's opinion."She isn't."The Na'vi woman suddenly gestured at Lia, who looked back at her in surprise, with her bow."She makes no noise, stays put, less of a threat."

Although Lia did agree with the Na'vi woman about herself, she also knew that Jake only acted like he did earlier because Jake hadn't been able to walk for nearly three years, so of course he would act like a child. Being able to walk again was a dream come true for Jake, even if it was in an Avatar.

"She's not wrong."Jake glanced up at Lia in betrayal and disbelief."You were acting like a child, and it's a kill or be killed World on this planet, Jake."Lia said, giving Jake a look."Those Viperwolves were only trying to survive."

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