Jake Has Been Ignoring His Health

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As they continued training, sometimes, Neytiri and Jake would join them if they crossed paths. Like today. Lia and Jake followed the two Na'vi, sprinting and jumping through the trees, on the branches, and came to a ledge, and just before Neytiri and Tsu'tey jumped off, they put their bows on their backs, and Neytiri jumped first, with Tsu'tey following.

Jake skidded to a stop, and grabbed Lia by the arm before she could go toppling down, and they both looked over the edge, to see how Tsu'tey got down, using the large leaves to slow his descent. 

"You gotta be kidding me."Jake breathed out, shaking his head.

Lia, getting out of the hold Jake had on her arm, put her own practice bow on her back and jumped, copying what Tsu'tey had done with ease, and landed beside him as they all heard;"AMALIA!". Tsu'tey's and Neytiri's eyes widened at how loud Jake's voice had risen while Lia laughed softly.

Suddenly, Jake's practice bow fell to the ground and Neytiri, who was waiting for him to appear, moved out of the way, while Tsu'tey suddenly started laughing when Jake appeared, falling to the ground.

"Jake, are you ok?"Lia asked rushing to his side as he got up and yelped softly when he grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Since when you do willingly jump from a cliff!?!"Jake exclaimed, looking her over for any wounds."You hate heights!"He added, remembering her fear of heights.

"Yeah, Tsu'tey helped me get over that fear really fast."Lia said, suddenly side glaring at Tsu'tey, who stopped laughing and looked away from her, and Neytiri, who frowned as she looked at Lia in concern.

Jake, seeing the glare she directed at Tsu'tey, realised with horror what he did."He pushed off a cliff!?!"

"Hm, yep."Lia admitted calmly.

"He what? Tsu'tey!"Both Neytiri and Jake snarled at Tsu'tey, who they turned to face, only to find that he was no longer beside them.

"Where did he go?"Jake asked, confused.

"He ran away...?"Neytiri stated questionably, shocked that Tsu'tey would run from a fight.

"Huh."Was all that Lia said, staring in the direction that Tsu'tey ran off."How odd. I thought he'd want to fight Jake."She added, blinking owlishly and tilting her head to the side.


Every time they came back from being in their Avatar, Lia noticed that while she was doing the exercises that Grace had made them do so that they were fit and strong in their real bodies while constantly being with the Na'vi, Jake was growing weaker.

"Jake, are you doing what Dr. Augustine asked us to do the exercises and whatnot in our real"Lia stressed the word real as a reminder to Jake that their Avatar Bodies were fake and that this was their reality."bodies when we're not with the Clan?"Lia asked, growing concern as she saw how skinny Jake was getting.

"Yes-No, he's not!"Grace, having overheard Lia's question, cut Jake off.

"Jake!"Lia exclaimed, scowling at Jake, who looked up at her calmly.

"I'm fine, Lil' Sis."He said dismissively and left the room before Lia could start scolding him.

"I've tried to tell him, but he won't listen to me."Grace said as she came to stand next to Lia, who looked up at her worriedly.

"He really is a Skxawng!"Lia grumbled before sighing tiredly.

"I understand that he loves being able to walk again, but if he doesn't do the exercises and regain his strength, he won't be able to go back into his Avatar."Grace said softly."He might even die while he's in his Avatar because his real body is starting to give up."  

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