Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 1

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They leaped over the foliage and ducking under the vines, and slid under tree roots. And for once, Lia was glad that her Uncle had made her, Tommy, and Jake go through intense training exercises, which included her Uncle making them his very own version of a military obstacle course.

Although she knew better, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder to see the Thanator forcing its way through the tree-bark in high pursuit of the two Avatars.

Jake suddenly let go of Lia and pushed her ahead of himself while the Thanator was slicing and pushing down anything and everything in its path to get to them. Jake was breathing heavily behind Lia, who found a narrow enough space for the two of them. She turned slightly to grab Jake's hand, pulling him in through the roots.

The Thanator jumped just as Jake finally got in the tree roots with Lia, who could feel her heart in stomach and stomach in her heart. Like Jake, she was breathing heavily and nearly screamed when the Thanator launched itself at the tree, its claws tore at the roots trying to reach them.

"Go, GO, GO!"Jake yelled at his younger Sister, who did as she was told and started crawling around the base of the tree while Jake fired at it.

This caused the Thanator to jump back before launching at Jake, grabbing the gun in between its jaws and tossed the gun aside, after ripping it free from Jake's grip. Lia ran out of the base of the tree, with Jake trailing behind her, and as she ran, she pushed the foliage past her. The Thanator suddenly jumped from the fallen log and clawed at Jake's bag, causing him to fall.

At hearing something fall behind her, Lia whirled around, staring with wide eyes."JAKE!"

"Amalia, run!"Jake snapped as the Thanator wrapped its jaws around Jake's backpack, lifting him up to wave him around in the air like a dog with a chew toy.

"Jake, get rid of your backpack!"Lia said, ignoring Jake's demand to leave.

Jake, doing as Lia said, unbuckled his backpack and hit the ground running. He grabbed the blue girl's hand and pulled her along with him. The Thanator hissed, realizing that Jake got away and pursued chasing the pair. Jake, seeing a ledge, ran towards it, knowing that they'd have a better chance of surviving by jumping.

And so, he did, pulling Lia against her will, causing her to scream;"JACOB!"in terror just before they hit the water.

A few seconds later, Jake pulled her up to the surface with him and they took a deep breath of fresh air, before they headed towards the land before the current could take them deeper into the river.

Jake grabbed a branch that was hanging in the water and started climbing it, along with Lia, however, the duo froze when they heard the Thanator roar loudly over the roaring of the water. They looked back sharply, only to slightly relax when they saw that the Thanator was merely pacing back and forth, obviously trying to find a way to get down there, while eyeing them.

"C'mon."Jake said, climbing further up on the branch, and Lia followed.


"The next time I tell you to run, you run!"Jake scolded her as he made himself a spear to defend them with.

"And leave you behind? Jake, you're the only Family I have left! I don't want to be alone, especially on another planet!"Lia hissed softly, keeping her voice low in case new Predators were hunting near them, and tried to hide her own tears."And can you keep your voice down? You'll attract predators!"Lia warned him, her eyes flickering around warily and her ears twitched, listening to everything around her.

"We gotta keep moving. It's gonna get dark real soon."Jake stated, glancing up at the sky briefly, noticing that the sun was starting to set."We also need light."

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