Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 2

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The sight of seeing so many, wild and untamed, Ikran gathered in one area was simply amazing. They were, obviously, different breeds of Ikran, judging by the shades of their unique and beautiful colors, patterns, and sizes. 

Although, all of them were obviously, large enough for a Na'vi to ride, which is why they were classified as Mountain Banshee, by Grace, while there were smaller Banshee's, which were called Forest Banshee, in the forest, which weren't large or strong enough to hold a Na'vi's weight, unless said Na'vi was a child, but no sane Na'vi Parent would allow their child to bond with a Forest Ikran.

As soon as this was over, Lia just knew that she would be drawing, to the best of her ability, of all the Ikran she had seen today. Lia turned her attention back to Jake, who was now holding a vine whip, which would be used to help in capturing his Ikran.

Lia bent down on the rock that she and the others were on, watching closely as a few Ikran backed up, or flew away from Jake, hissing and roaring softly, as he approached them. Jake even went so far as to jump slightly at a few of them, letting them know that he was not afraid of them.

"Warrior, don't be scared, warrior!"Tsu'tey said mockingly behind Jake, and Lia glowered up at him, her tail swishing behind her in annoyance, but turned her attention back to her Brother when she realised that one Ikran had not moved away from him, but had hissed at him and was watching him warily, causing Jake to openly stare back at it."Don't do that."Tsu'tey warned the group, also having seen that Jake was looking directly into the Ikran's eyes and hissed at it, and the, beautiful, aqua-green Ikran hissed back at him.

Jake smirked."Let's dance."He said, and started swinging his whip, and Lia chuckled softly, a smile forming on her lips as she shared a look with Neytiri. 

Jake had found his Ikran.

Tsu'tey laughed softly."That skxawng is going to die."He said to his Students and Lia looked back at him, hissing sharply and her ears were pinned back against her head.

"Shut up, Tsu'tey!"She snarled and the other Na'vi's, with the exception of Neytiri, looked at her with wide eyes, filled with shock."This is not something to joke about!"Lia's tail swished in agitation.

"I apologise, Marali."Tsu'tey said, truly looking apologetic and his voice was sincere as he expressed his apology, once again surprising the Na'vi's.

Lia stared at him silently, surprised by his sincerity, for a minute and was about to say something, only to turn her attention back to Jake when she heard the sounds of a struggle going on and saw that her Brother was on the back of the Ikran, which was trying to buck him off it's back like a Bull try to buck the rider off it's back. 

Aten and Ka'ani started whooping as Jake wrestled the Ikran to the ground with his weight alone, and dug his feet into the ground while keeping one hand tightly on top of the Ikran's head and had his other hand, which was underneath the Ikran's neck, placed firmly on his forearm. 

"C'mon, Jake."Lia whispered to herself."You can do this!"She added louder for her Brother to hear her.

"Don't be afraid, Warrior!"Tsu'tey said, smirking.

"Make the bond!"Neytiri reminded him in a sharp and loud voice.

Just as Jake managed to let go of the Ikran's head to grab it's queue, the Ikran used that moment to throw back it's head and head butted Jake, drawing a pained grunt from Jake, before he was successfully bucked off and tumbled to the ground and rolled to the edge.



Neytiri and Lia screamed in unison, terror gripping at their hearts at having seen Jake fall over the edge, and trying to ignore the way Tsu'tey's laugh briefly reminded her of something she longed to forget, Lia, jumping off the rock she was on, followed Neytiri to the cliff, only to sigh in relief at seeing him climb up, using a strong root to pull himself up and got up.

He ran at the Ikran head on and jumped on its back and started wrestling again."Shahaylu, Jake!"Neytiri reminded him again as he fell on his back, bringing the Ikran with him and used his legs to pin the Ikran's head, by wrapping said legs around it's neck."Shahaylu!"

Jake was finally able to grab the queue once again and his own, bringing them together. Lia let out a breathless laugh as the pink strands joined together and watched as the bond between a Rider and their Ikran was born through the Shahaylu. 

"Stop!"Jake hissed and his Ikran stopped fighting and calmed down, allowing Jake to move into a position where he could look into his Ikran's eyes."Yeah, that's right."He chuckled."You're mine. Huh?"He took off the vine whip from around the Ikran's mouth and moved back, allowing his Ikran to get up while he sat on it's back.

Neytiri was quick to rush to his side."First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait."She said as she pushed them to the cliff."Think;"Fly"!"

"Fly?"As soon as those words left his lips, his Ikran took flight, causing Jake to yell out of surprise and terror, and Neytiri, who ran back to her own Ikran, took flight after him.

"Now it is your turn, Marali."Tsu'tey said, causing Lia to look back at him sharply."Remember, your Ikran will choose you."He reminded Lia, giving her a sharp look."If one has chosen you, it will try to kill you."He added and Lia gulped softly, nodding in understanding."You have one chance. Ka!"

Turning back to the gathered Ikran, Lia took a deep, shuddering breath and started walking around. A few Ikran's head snapped up to look at Lia when she got close to them, only to hiss and back away or fly off.

Suddenly one, from the back let out a screech, causing Lia to whip around to stare at it with wide eyes when it flew over the rest and landed before her, hissing loudly and bearing its fangs at her. 

Lia took in the beautiful mixture of colors that adored the Ikran's body, along with the black patterns. From the head to the neck, the Ikran was blue, but the blue faded into a light purple on the body and wings, but the tips of the wings were an aqua greenish color which faded into blue, that mixed in with the purple perfectly, as did the tail.

This was her Ikran.



~~~Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 3~~~


Lia giggled as Tsu'tey glared playfully at her for making Akenehi brush her wing against Izia's wing, causing the older Ikran to shriek at the younger Ikran and Tsu'tey had Izia move into Akenehi's flying room, causing the purple Ikran to hang back.

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