The Titanothere & The Thanator

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The next morning, Lia and Jake wasted no time jumping into their Link Units, after being told by Grace that they were going to explore some of Pandora, which was what they wanted to do in the first place. Especially Lia, who wanted to learn how to use the plants of Pandora to make medicine, while Jake just wanted to explore to test out his new legs that he could walk on now.

Although, Lia could tell that something was off with Jake, considering that before they left for their mission, during breakfast, Jake was called on to see the Colonel, which seemed to have upset Grace.

She wanted to ask what was up but she knew that her Older Brother would brush her off, so she left the matter alone, although she did frown at him when she saw that he would be a Gunman on their way out on the plane.

Turning away, the youngest Avatar on the plane peered out at the world of Pandora with a look of pure wonder in her eyes, taking in the breathtaking scenery and animals around her. Although she had trained to be a Doctor, she had taken art classes on the side, so when she pulled out her art book and began drawing what she briefly saw of some of the animals, she didn't noticed the way Grace was watching as she drew, rather well in her opinion.

"Impressive!"Grace said, getting Lia's attention and she looked up at Grace, her eyes wide at being caught drawing. She was rather shy about her art and didn't really let anyone see it."If your Brother had told me you had great artistic skills, I would have had you draw the plants and wild life for my book of Pandora."Lia's blue cheeks darkened at the compliment.

"Tommy didn't know that I took art classes, so yeah..."Lia trailed off, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ah."Was all that Grace said, nodding in understanding.

After finding an area where they could land, Jake and a male Soldier jumped out before they could land, causing Lia to frown at her Brother and shake her head at him as soon as she got out of the plane when it had landed and stopped moving.

"What?"Jake asked, grinning at her.

"Can you be a little more careful with your Avatar? We don't need you chopping your own head off."Lia said sarcastically."Dr. Augustine would throw a fit."She added, glancing back at Grace, who had told Trudy to power down and that they would be staying a while before telling Norm to get his pack.

"Hey, I know what I'm doing."Jake said reassuringly.

"Not in that body, you do."Lia retorted."You're like a child, too loud. Remember when you were a Marine?"Jake frowned at her."You were so quiet, you used to scare me all the time when you were home."

"I still can."Jake said in a challenging voice.

"Sure you can."Lia said, nodding as if she actually believed him.

"Stay with the ship."Grace said to the gunman."One idiot with a gun is enough."She added, knowing fully well that Jake heard her, causing him to smirk at Lia.

"What are you smirking about? She called you an idiot, idiot."Lia said, rolling her eyes but followed her Brother, with Grace and Norm behind her, into the woods.

Unlike Jake, who was on high alert, making his footsteps loud, Lia walked slowly and calmly, making her feet sound nonexistent with every step she took, as did Grace. The sound of a creature cooing caused Jake to turn sharply and pointed his gun at the trees and they all saw monkey-like-creatures swinging from the vines and grabbing food.

"Prolemuris."Grace stated as one paused to look at them with a fruit in its hand."They're not aggressive."She added as Lia made Jake lower his gun slightly with a dark look."Relax Marine. You're making me nervous."She scoffed as she walked past Jake, taking the lead.

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