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After Norm got to meet Mo'at, who praised him on speaking well in the Na'vi language to Grace, who looked like a proud Mother at that moment, Mo'at allowed Grace to go and speak with the children who used to go to her School. Lia, meanwhile, decided to show Norm around Home Tree since Jake disappeared with Neytiri, most likely to continue his training.

"This place is amazing."Norm said as he looked back at Lia, who nodded in agreement."You look great by the way. The Na'vi clothes suit you."He quickly added and Lia's smile grew at the compliment.

"Thank you, Norm."Lia said, moving aside some of the braids that were in her face.

Norm stopped walking all of a sudden and started searching for something on his person causing Lia to raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he was looking for, only for her eyes to widen when he pulled out a familiar book.

"Oh, uh, here."He held out her book for her."I remembered you were complaining about not being able to sketch some of your drawings properly, so I thought I should bring your sketch book."

Lia beamed brightly at him as she took the book before suddenly hugging him while repeatedly saying;"Thank you!" before they continued walking around.

Unknown to them, Tsu'tey, Aten, Ka'ani, and some of the older Hunters were watching them as they walked around, chatting about what happened in different parts of the Home Tree.

"I think they're just friends."Ka'ani said to Aten.

"He gave Marali a gift and she accepted it."Aten retorted, scoffing. Tsu'tey frowned at this as something in his heart seemed to twist, especially when Lia threw her head back and laughed. He didn't like it. He didn't like how the outsider could easily make Lia laugh.

"Do you think he means to Court her?"


"The Tsahik and Olo'eyktan won't allow it."

"What? Why?"Ka'ani and Aten asked in unison, turning to the older Hunter who had spoken up.

"Because Marali is now a Healer. See, around her neck."The Senior Hunter said, gesturing to the necklace around Lia's neck and the boys stared with wide eyes.

"But it is not official. Not until she becomes Taronyu."Another Senior hunter said.

"True. But, the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan now see Marali as their Daughter, so they will not allow her to Mate with that Dreamwalker."A third Hunter reminded them.

As if sensing eyes on them, the duo in question looked over at them."Uh, Lia? Who are they and why are they watching us?"Norm asked Lia, his ears pinned back as he looked at the group of Na'vi men.

Lia huffed a laugh."You don't recognise Tsu'tey?"She gestured to Tsu'tey, who openly glared at Norm, causing him to gulp, but nod."The others with him are the Senior Taronyus. However, those two boys"She gestured to Aten and Ka'ani."are Tsu'tey's other students, Aten and Ka'ani."Lia explained to Norm."As for why they are watching us, I have no idea..."Lia suddenly looked thoughtful."Maybe they think you're a threat and are waiting to kill you."Norm grimaced, looking as if he was going to faint, causing Lia to laugh."I'm kidding, Norm."

"Haha, real funny, Lia."Norm said sarcastically, glaring at Lia.

Suddenly having enough of seeing Lia laugh and smile with the other Dreamwalker, Tsu'tey stalked over to them, and Norm couldn't help but flinch at the scowl on Tsu'tey's face as he came to stand next to Lia.

"He should not be here."Tsu'tey hissed and Lia frowned."Go away."He echoed the same words he had said to Jake, in English to Norm, who backed away from him, putting his hands up in the air as if to say; I surrender.

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