Singing Lessons & Grace Returns

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Three days. Lia had, reluctantly, agreed with Jake to rest for three days, as he wouldn't agree to a week of rest (even though Lia thought it was best that he had a weeks worth of rest and they argued about it, but she gave in, knowing how stubborn Jake could be) especially since they were so close to becoming one of the People with the Omaticaya. During those three days, Lia and Norm helped Jake learn more of the Language while regaining his strength.

"So, this whole time I've had a Na'vi Name and you didn't tell me!?!"Jake exclaimed and Lia laughed, nodding as she grabbed her sketch book and opened it to the unfinished page of Tsu'tey's Ikran."Did you know about this?"He asked Norm, who shook his head no."Grace!?!"He added, looking over his shoulder at the redhead.

"Of course I knew."Grace, looking up from her work, said while rolling his eyes."Your Brother asked me to translate yours, Lia's and his name into Na'vi, and I did."

Jake looked back at Lia."What is my name in Na'vi."He demanded.

"Tsyeyk Suli, it roughly translates to Jacob or Jake Sully."Lia answered calmly as she wrote the name down."Mine is Marali Suli."She said, adding her name under his.


"Tssyeyk."Lia drawled out his Na'vi name."Tss-Ee-A."

"You gotta draw out the last bit of the name, like when you sing; 'heyyy', Jake."Norm tried to explain and Jake nodded in understanding or at least they hope he understood.

Jake chuckled."Ok, ok. Ts..Tsyeyk?"

Jake chuckled."Ok, ok. Ts..Tsyeyk?"

"Good! Now mine."




"That was close."Norm stated as Lia tsked at Jake.

"Maaralee. Maa-Ra-Lee!"


"It's an i, not an e, you skxawng!"Lia exclaimed, hitting him on the side of his head.

"Ow! Not you too!"Jake whined, pouting like an overgrown child while Grace, Trudy, and Norm merely laughed at his pain, showing no sympathy at all for the man.


After those three days were up and Lia cleared them both to go back into their Avatars. As soon as Lia made herself known, or rather, after Jake had run off to find Neytiri, which told everyone that the Sully Siblings were back, Tsu'tey met Lia halfway at the last spiral step, looking eager.

"You look pleased about something, Tsu'tey."Lia stated, almost warily, wondering if he was going to push her beyond her limit for missing three days of training.

"Today, you will learn to sing the songs of our People."Tsu'tey told Lia, gesturing to where some Na'vi woman and children were sitting around in a circle, singing gentle melodies.

"Oh no."Lia whimpered, suddenly looking ready to run away. 

"What?"Tsu'tey asked, looking at her in confusion.

"I cannot sing. I am terrible!"Lia exclaimed and backed away from Tsu'tey, who stepped closer to her."Please, uh, take me hunting instead!"Lia suddenly whirled around on the back of her heels and took off with Tsu'tey chasing after her."I would rather try to hunt then sing!"Lia cried as she ran, drawing everyone's attention to her and Tsu'tey.

"Marali, I know you can sing! Neytiri heard you singing by the river a few days ago!"Tsu'tey yelled after her as a few of the children had started giggling and laughing while the adults shook their heads, surprised to see their future Olo'eyktan running around like a child."She says you sing beautifully."

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