Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 3

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm not dead. I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but I have had had a bit of writer's block and I've been working long hours throughout the day at work, so I've been very tired when I get home and I can barely concentrate enough to write a single paragraph, but now I'm back and ready to write a few more chapters before I lose my energy.


Lia's eyes lit up and she hissed back at the Ikran, accepting its challenge, while grabbing her own vine whip just before the Ikran attacked first by launching itself at her. 

Dodging the Ikran, Lia used this as her chance to jump onto its neck while at the same time, she swung the vine whip to wrap around its mouth.

Seeming to have monumentally stunning it with this course of action, Lia grabbed its queue and her own quickly in unison, and brought them together, making the Bond within record time. 

Tsu'tey, getting out of his shock at how fast Lia had been able to make the bond with her Ikran, came to her side as she had reached forward to take off the vine whip before turning her attention to him.

"Well done."Tsu'tey said proudly and Lia grinned, allowing a little bit of her own pride to shine through her eyes."Now, you must fly to seal the bond. Go!"He said, gesturing to the cliff, and without a second thought, Lia followed his instructions and her Ikran take off, and mentally told it what to do as she sat in a better position before she found Jake flying below her.

"Jake!"She called out to him, catching his attention and he looked up, smiling widely as she waved down at him.

"You did it!"He exclaimed happily.

"Hell yeah, I did!"Lia said before she had her Ikran, Akenehi, Lia thought, dive down to fly next to her Brother."Have you named him?"

"Yeah, his name is Bob."Lia gave him a deadpanned look."What? Bob's a good name."He said defensively and Lia groaned, rolling her eyes."OK, what did you name him?"He asked, gesturing to Akenehi.

"Her."Lia corrected him and he blinked at her."Surprisingly, mine is female. Her name is Akenehi, meaning Pure."

"She's beautiful, Lil' Sis."Jake said respectfully.

"And while you have given your Ikran a horrible name by the Na'vi's, and especially Tsu'tey's, standards, he is stunning, Big Brother."The Sully Siblings grinned at one another before looking over at Neytiri, when they heard her whooping and watched as she, riding Seze, came to fly on Jake's left.

"Hey!"The Siblings greeted her in unison, causing her to smile widely at them.

"Let's go!"Jake added, most likely talking to his Ikran, causing Lia to giggle, as they followed Neytiri.

After a while, Tsu'tey and the other Na'vi's joined them, with Tsu'tey telling the trio to fall into formation with them, and somehow, Lia ended up in the middle, between Tsu'tey, who was leading them, and Neytiri, who almost bumped into her and Akenehi, when Jake made Bob almost clip Seze.

Luckily, Akenehi was able to move out of the way, however, this caught Tsu'tey's attention and he frowned when he saw that Lia had forced her Ikran to fall back slightly, almost causing her to break formation. 

"Pay attention!"He snapped at Neytiri and Jake in a scolding voice that he normally uses on his Students... Well, former Students now. Jake and Neytiri merely laughed as Lia fell back into formation with them. 

Glancing from her laughing Brother and Neytiri, Lia winked at them, causing them to grin widely at her knowing what she was about to do. The small Avatar had Akenehi brush her wing against Izia's, surprising both the Ikran and his Rider. 

Lia giggled as Tsu'tey glared playfully at her for making Akenehi brush her wing against Izia's wing, causing the older Ikran to shriek at the younger Ikran and Tsu'tey had Izia move into Akenehi's flying room, causing the purple Ikran to hang back.

"Hey!"Lia yelped, glaring at Tsu'tey as he glanced back at her, smirking while Jake and Neytiri burst out laughing.


The next day, Lia spent most of her time flying around on Akenehi, and as they flew through some bone structures, Lia, as if feeling something nudging at her brain, glanced down and caught sight of the most beautiful tree she had ever seen. 

The Tree of Souls. Vitraya Ramunong.

"Beautiful."Lia breathed out as she continued looking at the Tree before lowering her head in respect as she flew by, and Akenehi seemed to have followed her lead in respecting the Tree.


Grace told her, Jake, Norm, and Trudy that the Tree of Souls, the Vitraya Ramunong, was the Na'vi's most sacred place and showed them Flux Vortex in the false coloring on the screen.

"Yeah, that's what messes up my instruments."Trudy commented and Lia smiled at her.

"There is something really interesting going on in there biologically."Lia looked back at Grace with a curious look."I would die to get samples."She glanced at the Sully Siblings."Outsiders are strictly forbidden. You lucky swines."Grace grumbled, looking put out while Lia chuckled and nudged Jake, causing him to look at her with a strained smile, which made her own dim, wondering what was wrong her Brother.


After some more days of training, which was basically learning how to kill again, only while riding on their Ikran's, Lia made her second kill, although it was also dubbed as her first kill while riding Akenehi, by taking down a Sturmbeest, Talioang, the young Avatar and her Ikran calmly flew across the sky, riding the gentle winds.

Suddenly, a large shadow appeared out of nowhere, above Lia, who glanced up, only for her eyes to widen at seeing the great Toruk diving towards her. Quickly, Lia had Akenehi dive down and they flew past Jake and Neytiri, who shocked and confused, although it didn't last long as they realised why Lia was in a hurry to get away, and they dived after her, with the Toruk almost catching Jake.

As they maneuvered through the air, and out of the Toruk's grabbing distance, the Toruk was still able to follow and keep as close as it could to them, even though the Toruk was of a bigger size and they were evading its grasp.  

The trio managed to dive into the tree lines, however it was spacious enough for the Toruk to still chase them. However, it seemed as though luck was on their side today as they flew through a wall of vines. 

While they managed to get through the vines, the Toruk couldn't and it roared its displeasure at the fact that its lunch had successfully gotten away and left. 

However, the trio didn't stop flying until they knew for sure that they could no longer hear the sounds of the Toruk flapping its great and powerful wings. The trio flew over to a large tree, where all of them could fit, and perched their Ikran's on said tree. 

"Good, Seze."Neytiri said gently, patting the side of Seze's neck while she continued to glance around warily.

"You did well, Akenehi."Lia mumbled gently, hushing her distraught Ikran before sharing a wide eyed look with Jake and Neytiri.

Jake was the first to snap out of it by bursting out in a fit of chuckles, which turned into a full blown laughter and the two girls followed, throwing their heads back as they laughed in relief at being alive.



~~~One of the People~~~


When Lia caught sight of Tsu'tey heading towards Jake, Lia came to a sudden stop, just moving out of the way of the others dancing around the fire to watch the interaction between Tsu'tey and Jake with interest and worry as she saw the usual scowl on Tsu'tey's face whenever he was around Jake, who he squatted down next to.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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