The Hallelujah Mountains

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When Lia and Jake weren't spending time with Omaticaya Clan, or rather, with Tsu'tey and Neytiri, and were back at Hell's Gate, Lia was learning from one of the Scientists, and Grace, how to make medicines with Pandora's Plants or was sketching what she had seen and done with Tsu'tey, meanwhile, Jake was spending his spare time with Colonel, telling them what he knew of the Home Tree, which Max found out about and told Grace.


"Pack your stuff."Grace said, her voice was cold and bluntly, out of the blue to Lia as soon as the brunette had stepped foot into the Link Unit Room, surprising and confusing the girl.

"Sorry?"Lia asked weakly, wondering what she had done to piss off the redhead, and Grace blinked, as if realising that she was pissed off at the wrong person and instantly had a look of regret in her eyes.

"Shit, I didn't mean it like that."Grace said, realising that Lia must have thought that she wanted Lia to pack up her stuff because she was sending the young girl home."I just meant that we're gonna go to the Hallelujah Mountains."Lia's eyes widened in amazement and awe. 

Tommy had told her so many stories about the Mountains, even though he had never actually seen them himself, but he had seen the pictures that were brought back to Earth. All Lia could do was sketch what Tommy had described of the pictures to her so that she had an idea of what the Hallelujah Mountains looked like.

"Really!?!"Lia asked excitedly and Grace smiled, nodding."Sweet! I'll start packing right away."The brunette said and darted out of the room.

Grace stared after Lia with a fond look in her eyes and shook her head."She reminds me of myself thirty years ago."

"Really?"Max asked, raising an eyebrow at Grace.

"Yep. I wish I was that young again, finding new things to get excited about."Grace said, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she remembered when she first came to Pandora, filled with that same look of wonder and awe that Lia showed as she took in her surroundings.

"You haven't changed that much, Grace."Max said reassuringly to the redhead.

"Sure I haven't."Grace said with a scoff before turning to everyone else."Alright, someone go tell the Marine that we're moving!"


"We're getting close."Grace told the Sully Siblings.

"Yeah, look at my instruments."Trudy commented over the headset and Norm, who was riding shotgun with her, glanced at them.

"Yep. We're in the Flux Vortex."Grace stated, glancing out to see how close they were getting to the Mountains.

"We're VFR from here on."Trudy stated casually.

"What's VFR?"Lia and Norm asked Trudy in unison. 

"Means you gotta see where you're going."Trudy said, rather cryptically, as they went into the fog.

"You can't see anything."Norm retorted and Lia nodded in agreement.

Trudy laughed."Exactly. Ain't that a bitch?"She said, although she smiled in amusement.

Lia's eyes suddenly widened as she finally laid eyes on the Mountains."Oh my god!"Lia and Norm breathed out in unison as they saw the floating Mountains for the first time.

"You should see your faces!"Trudy laughed, having glanced at the awed trio to see their reactions.

"Jake, are you seeing this!?!"Lia asked, glancing at Jake, who had leaned forward to get a better look.

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