Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 3

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"Come."She said but neither of them moved to follow her, since just before the Woodsprites arrived, she really had wanted them to go back."Come!"She repeated in a stronger voice and grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him along.

Having no choice, Lia, once again, started following them while trying to keep herself evenly balanced as she sprinted after them. When they started following the Na'vi woman on their own, she let go of Jake and continued.

"Where are we going?"Jake asked, but got no answer.

Along the way, he started touching some of the plants, watching them glow."Jake, remember what happened the last time you decided to play with the plants?"Lia reminded him in a questionable voice, causing him to stop and looked back at her in embarrassment.

The Na'vi woman, realising the two Dreamwalkers weren't following turned back to look at them and said in a stern voice;"Come."

As they ran across the uneven terrain and jumped from one branch to another."What's your name?"Jake asked curiously before his legs were suddenly forced together by a rope, that had been thrown at him, and wrapped around his ankles."Shit!"Jake hissed as he fell forward and hit the ground.

The Na'vi woman turned around with a gasp while Lia's eyes widened."Jake!"She exclaimed and quickly jumped down and landed next to Jake, crouching beside him, as he got rid of the rope binding his legs together."Are you ok?"Lia asked in concern, her eyes wide and filled with worry, having seen how hard he hit his head.

"I'm fine."Jake said just before a group of Na'vi riding Direhorses came, jumping over the foliage, with bows in their hands.

Jake got up, pulling out his army knife, while grabbing Lia's hand in his and whirled around to run, pulling Lia along, only to come face to face with a group of Na'vi, with their bows and arrows dawn, ready to fire, all the while, they were ululating at the Siblings.

Realising that they were outnumbered by the Na'vi, Jake dropped his knife and put his hands up in surrender as a Na'vi man on a Direhorse aimed his arrow at Jake's face, and ended up chuckling nervously while Lia looked around with wide eyes and her ears were pinned back in fear.

The Na'vi woman jumped down with a yell and turned around, glaring at her own people."Calm, people, calm!"She said, glancing around at everyone before looking at one of the Na'vi man who got off of his Direhorse and walked towards them with a dark glare on his face."What are you doing, Tsu'tey?"She questioned the Na'vi, which Lia now knew his name was Tsu'tey, looking agitated.

"These Demons are forbidden here."He hissed, glaring over the Na'vi woman's head at Jake and Lia.

"What are they saying?"Jake whispered to Lia, but she hushed him, seeing the way Tsu'tey's eyes narrowed.

"There has been a sign!"The Na'vi woman snapped."This is a matter for the Tsahik."Lia blinked and looked at the woman sharply before looking back at Tsu'tey, who was looking at her, causing Lia to take a step back, intimated by the harsh look he was giving her, and caused Jake to step forward, glaring back at Tsu'tey.

"Bring them."He said to the other Na'vi before getting back on his Direhorse.

"What's going on?"Jake asked the only Na'vi that seemed to be on their side as the others came over to him and Lia. One of them grabbed Jake by his braid, causing him to cry out."Wait!"He exclaimed.

"KEHE!"Lia hissed loudly, backing away from the Na'vi who went to grab her braid, and quickly she held her main braid, the most precious braid by Na'vi standards, keeping it away from the Na'vi, who all froze at hearing her speak their language."Do not touch me!"She snarled, looking warily at their hands which held their weapons. She started panicking and her heartbeat sped up while her mind started forming violent images of things she didn't want to remember.

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