Na'vi Hierarchy & Lessons Begin

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A/N: I just realised, with the thoughtful review from one of my readers on Ao3, that I didn't really give a description of what Lia looks like, other then the fact that she is obviously a brunette and is short. So, I've decided that I'll use an actress to portray her, and that will be Anna Popplewell.


"Ok, let's run through them again."Grace said as they walked into the Link Unit Room the next day, holding up a screen which had a picture of the Na'vi. She was giving Lia and Jake a crash course on the Na'vi Hierarchy.

"Mo'at. Dragon Lady."Jake said and Lia spluttered, looking at Jake in disbelief.

"Tsahik."Lia stressed out the name and Jake rolled his eyes at her while Grace glanced at her, nodding for her to continue."She's the Tsahik of the Omaticaya, a Spiritual Leader or what we call a Shaman. She's also the Mate of the Olo'eyktan."Lia listed and Jake raised an eyebrow at her."The Olo'eyktan is the Clan Leader of the Omaticaya Jake."She added while Grace looked very pleased at Lia's knowledge before showing them the next one.


"Eytukan."Grace and Lia corrected Jake in unison.

"He's the Olo'eyktan and Mo'at's Mate."Lia added as they came to a stop next to Jake's Link.

"Got it."Jake said dryly before the next one was shown."T'su'tey. He's Lia's Teacher."Grace looked back at Lia sharply as she groaned softly under her breath.

"Ok, first, his name is Tsu'tey, not T'su'tey."Lia corrected Jake again before looking at Grace."Second, I was gonna tell you, it just slipped my mind."

"You do know that he is a Warrior, right?"Grace asked and Lia nodded, looking disgruntled at the reminder."You're a Doctor in training, you took a vow to never take someone else's life when you became a student in the medical field."

"I tried to tell them that."Grace raised an eyebrow at her, clearly not believing her by how meek her voice was at that moment."I did."She said more strongly."But Mo'at told me that their Healers are also Warriors, so my vow is null and void if I want to learn to be one of the Omaticaya."Lia explained herself and Grace sighed softly, clearly defeated at hearing this and looked at the young girl in pity, before turning back to Jake, who had managed to get himself up and onto his Link Bed, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Tsu'tey."Jake stated and Grace nodded.

"He'll be the next Clan Leader."She then showed the picture of Neytiri.

Jake took the screen and stared at the picture, staring at the Na'vi woman in awe."Neytiri."

"Of course you get her name right."Lia muttered under her breath but couldn't help but look at Jake, wondering why he was staring at her as if she was... Oh shit. Lia realised, inwardly groaning.

"She'll be the next Tsahik."Grace stated, placing her hands on her hips.

"Meaning she and Tsu'tey will be Mated."Jake's gaze snapped up to look at them, eyes wide before looking back at the picture.

"So, who's this Eywa?"Jake asked, changing the subject.

Norm looked at Jake in shock and disbelief."Who's Eywa!?!"Jake, Lia, and Grace turned to him."Only their Deity. Their Goddess, made up of all living things. Everything they know! You'd know this if you had training whatsoever."Norm said insultingly and Lia's draw dropped.

"Hey!"Lia snapped, glaring at Norm, who was startled by Lia's sudden anger and backed away from her, seeing the dark look on her face.

"It's fine, Lia."Jake said, patting Lia's arm."Besides, who's got a date with the Chief's Daughter?"He asked, raising the screen in Norm's direction.

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