Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 1

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Tsu'tey continued to teach Lia how to read the trail, even when it was raining, despite the fact that the rain would wash away the evidence, there would still be traces, and Lia would pick up the scents and sounds in her surroundings. 

They would watch, from a distance, as Viperwolves tended to their babies in their nesting grounds. Lia smiled softly as the Mother Viperwolf cleaned and cared for her young, before ducking lower to the ground when the Mother suddenly perked up and growled lowly.

Lia glanced back at Tsu'tey, who silently gestured for her to follow him back to Home Tree. On their walk back, he would explain about the network of energy that flows through all living things.

"The energy that is given to us, to the animals, is merely borrowed."Tsu'tey said, glancing down at Lia, who looked back up at him, listening very carefully to what he was saying, trying to understand and see the forest through his eyes like Grace told her and Jake to do."One day, you have to give it back."He added softly, looking away from Lia, who came to a sudden stop, causing him to pause and look back at her."Is something the matter?"

Lia, who had glanced around the forest, looked back at him."I just remembered something my real Sa'nok told me when I was a child."Lia said, shaking her head."It does not matter."She added, seeing the questionable look in his eyes, before she started walking by his side.


Before Lia could go back to her real body that night, Tsu'tey decided to take her out exploring during the night. He would point out which plants were safe to touch and which weren't safe to touch, even though Lia already knew this because of Grace's Book, before taking her to the lake and told her they were going for a swim.

"Now? But it is late."Lia said, although she was smiling as she stood by the edge of the water.

"And?"Tsu'tey asked, but he was smirking as he silently walked into the water.

"It is cold."

"It will be fun."

"How so?"Instead of verbally answering, he splashed her, causing her to yelp as the cold water hit her face."Oh, you are so dead!"Lia hissed playfully and quickly and silently dived into the cold lake, like Tsu'tey had taught her too, resurfaced behind Tsu'tey to splash him.

Whipping around, Tsu'tey returned the fire with a chuckle before Lia disappeared under the water again, and this time, when she resurfaced, she jumped on his back, sending them crashing into the water.


One day, while training to hold the bow and arrow correctly, Tsu'tey didn't correct Lia, merely touching her elbow and wrist to check her stance. Seeing that her entire stance was correct, he couldn't help but look at her as she stared ahead, at the target. 

As if feeling eyes on her, Lia glanced up at him with wide eyes and as if realising that he was too close and still had his hands ghosting over her elbow and wrist, Tsu'tey stepped back, and his trademark scowl appeared on his face, but it lacked the heat that usually came with the look and Lia giggled, her eyes taking on a certain shine that Tsu'tey's own eyes reflected.


During a light rainfall, Tsu'tey had taken Lia out hunting, and despite her internal conflict about killing, she had to remind herself that she would give the Animal a proper send off to Eywa. 

The Animal that they were prowling after was a Hexapede, or as the Na'vi called them; Yerik. It was grazing when the duo finally found it. Lia, who was crouching low to the ground, paused, watching the Hexapede briefly, before she took a deep breath and took aim.

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