Arguments Before Dinner

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"I came to learn."Jake answered the Tsahik.

"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full."The Tsahik stated knowingly.

"Well, my cup is empty, trust me."Jake gave a little head tilt."Just asked Dr. Augustine. I'm no Scientist."Jake suddenly pointed at Lia."Or her."He added, causing Lia to scoff.

"Can say that again. He's a moron."Lia stated and ignored Jake's protest of;"Hey!", and looked at the Tsahik."Skxawng."She added in Na'vi, surprising the Tsahik.

"You speak our tongue, child?"

"A little. I understand what I hear more than I speak."Lia answered, gesturing to her ears and mouth.

"You speak well."Lia nodded her head in thanks while Jake looked between them in confusion."What are you called?"

"My Human name is Amalia Rain Sully. But I go by Lia."Lia stated, introducing her full name to the Na'vi, and the Tsahik raised an eyebrow at her while the others looked at her curiously."If it is hard to call me by either name, you can refer to me by my Na'vi name; Marali Zranin Suli."Lia said, gaining more looks of surprise from the Na'vi.

"Marali Zranin Suli?"The Tsahik echoed, surprised."How did you come to gain a name in our tongue?"

Lia's eyes darkened in sadness, which some noticed."My Elder Brother, who was teaching me how to speak your language, taught me how to say my Na'vi Name."Lia paused."If it is hard for you to say Jake Sully, you can refer to him as Tsyeyk Suli, but he won't answer to it as he does not know to speak or understand your language."

"Is he your Mate?"The Tsahik suddenly asked, and Lia looked at her as if she had been slapped while the Tsahik's Daughter and Tsu'tey perked up, looking between Lia and Jake, remembering how they acted around one another. Anyone would assume that they were Mates.

"Kehe!"Lia exclaimed, shaking her head furiously and a few of the Na'vi looked started by her sudden outburst."Tsyeyk"Jake stared at her as she gestured to him, wondering what Tsyeyk meant."is my Elder Brother."

"But you said he does not speak our tongue!"Tsu'tey spoke up sharply, stepping towards them, but paused when the Tsahik glanced at him sharply."Yet you speak of your Elder Brother as if he..."He trailed off as Lia stared at him, her eyes welling up with tears caused him to freeze.

"Tsyeyk is my only living Elder Brother."Lia corrected herself."Our other Brother, who was older than us, has passed."Lia choked out, her shoulders shaking as her bottom lip trembled."We are still sad. We miss him."Tsu'tey backed off at hearing this while the Tsahik looked at her in understanding.

"Lia."She looked up at Jake sharply."What did you tell them?"He asked, looking at her in worry.

"They asked about Tommy."Was all that Lia said and Jake's face suddenly went blank.

The Tsahik, realising that the two Siblings wouldn't talk about their Family, decided to go back to her Original questions;"What are you two?"

Jake licked his lips briefly."I was a Marine-a Warrior."He corrected himself when Lia jabbed him slightly in the ribs, silently reminding him that the Na'vi didn't know what a Marine was."A Warrior of the Jarhead Clan."

"A Warrior!"Tsu'tey scoffed."I could kill him easily."He added, causing a few Na'vi to whoop.

"Kehe!"Lia snarled at the same time as the Na'vi Chief, who physically stopped him from walking towards Jake, said sharply.

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