Cryptic Past & Returning To The Real World

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"I am Mo'at, and you may refer to me as such."Mo'at stated and Lia nodded slightly.

"I am Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan, and I am the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya Clan."Eytukan introduced himself to Lia.

"I know this means nothing to either of you in your Culture, however... because I cannot See, I know I should not say that I do see you, so I am... honored to meet you both."Mo'at and Eytukan looked at Lia in understanding and seemed pleased at how respectful she was being towards them, even if she was speaking slowly and was making small hand gestures between herself and them.

"Marali, why do you not like being touched?"Mo'at suddenly asked as Tsu'tey gave her a leaf, that was a little bigger than Lia's hand, that had slices of meat and some beetles, and Lia nodded in thanks to him before turning back to Mo'at.

"I was..."Lia trailed off, taking a shaky breath as she gestured to herself."hurt by men when I was younger, ever since then I could not stand being touched by anyone, especially men, other than... the people I trust."Lia said softly, having noticed that the chattering had quieted down when Jake stumbled into the area, following Neytiri.

Lia gestured to her Brother, who tried to get rid of the tension by making an awkward joke, only to step on some poor Na'vi woman's tail, causing Lia to wince while the Na'vi in question, hissed at Jake in pain.

"Hmm."Mo'at hummed before glancing at Tsu'tey."Treat Marali with care, Tsu'tey."Mo'at warned him and he glanced at her, clearly surprised by her warning, as was Lia, but nodded.

"These Aliens try to look like people,"Tsu'tey turned to Eytukan, deciding to ignore Lia, who decided to be quiet and eat, but she did look at Jake questionably, wondering what took him and Neytiri so long, as he was forced to sit further away from her by Neytiri."but they can't."

"He seems dim to me, unlike his Sister. And his eyes are too small."Mo'at said to Eytukan, clearly not wanting Lia to hear her, but Lia did and looked away from the trio to hide her smile."But Marali is too small."Mo'at added, and they couldn't help but glance at Lia."Marali,"Lia glanced back at them."why are you small?"Mo'at asked bluntly

"This body was made when I was younger, so it is not fully grown by your standards."Lia ignored the look of disgust she got from Tsu'tey."My real body is short as well because it has not finished growing either..."Lia suddenly gestured to Jake again."Tsyeyk believes I will not grow though. That I have finished growing."

"How old are you, Marali?"Eytukan suddenly asked.

"I was seventeen, nearly eighteen, before I came to Pandora. I was asleep for five years."Lia paused, letting the information sink in."So I am twenty-two, soon to be twenty-three."

"So, you are old enough to Mate by your people's standards, yes?"Eytukan asked, remembering Grace explaining to them that her people did not need to go through rituals to mate, other then something called wedding vows, and Lia hummed softly, nodding."And what of your Brother?"

"He is of age to take a Mate, too."Lia stated before shaking her head."But it is unlikely. He never shows interest in such things. More interested in being a Warrior, fighting wars, before he had to come home."

"Why? "Lia looked at Tsu'tey, raising an eyebrow in question."Why did he return home if it was clear he wanted to continue to be a Warrior?"Tsu'tey asked, frowning.

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