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" Get out, I don't need you! "

Hanni got dragged outside, her current boss was literally bursting an anger.

" M-ma'am please! I don't have a home to stay, this is my only job! "

Hanni reaches out for her hands, kneeling down and begging the woman to make her stay.

" You didn't follow the rules I have in my house, you're too stubborn. Hanni Pham. " And that, the woman removed her hands on hers and left her all alone outside with her clothes laying down on the ground.

She cried her heart out, every single tears are really hard to resist.

She wiped it away, grabs her clothes one by one and immediately puts it all on her small backpack.

She looks like a homeless now, plus her boss didn't give her the balance of her salary and it's honestly worse.

She stood up, as she looked back on the house with regrets on her eyes.

She swallowed this type of feeling inside her chest, she decided to stay at Danielle's house for a while since she has the nearest one's than Hyein's.

She only have Danielle and Hyein with her, they have this solid bond that no one could ever break neither fall them apart.

She arrived in just a few minutes, as she accidentally looked upon the window and saw herself in this state.

She looks so vulnerable and pale.

But for her, there's nothing new. Eversince she lost her family on house fire, she lost her smile too.

She smiles but not genuine though.

She let out a heavy sighs before knocking on Danielle's door.

" Who's that?? " She heard Danielle's voice and it makes her happy somehow.

" I-it's Hanni. " She answered, Danielle let out a loud gasp and she heard it.

The youngwr lost her smile eventually when she sees her bestfriend in that state. Danielle became uneasy.

" Oh my god, what happened?! " She approached her.

" I-i just got fired for the last job you offered to me. " Hanni said.

" Gosh, I'm so sorry! let me give you a hug instead! " She looks so worried, so she immediately gave her the warmest hug.

And believe Hanni, whenever she's with Danielle's arms. She feels safe, she feels like no one would touch her, even the hardest thunderstorm.

With Danielle, she feels safe.

It tooks a months for her to find a new job, she also feels burden of Danielle's family for staying in their house for a few months and she doesn't want that. In fact, she tried her best to find a decent job in her free time after school but she still failed.

And her studies, she felt like it wouldn't help her to pursue her dream though. She's always absent, her professor never knew what's going on with her life.

She was almost got at the guidance room, she was accused of stealing her classmate's phone, in fact that she has one on her own because Danielle gave her an old phone last time.

And Danielle defended her against her said classmate. That's why she owe Danielle a lot, she's like a sister to Hanni.

Danielle swore in the air, they wouldn't have her heart when it comes to Hanni. She's Hanni's number one defender.


" Hanni Pham! " Danielle called out, motioning her hands to come.

" Why?! have you finally found me a job?! "

" How did you know?! "

They both laughed.

" Silly, you're helping me everyday though. You were always showing  me your phone screen, saying looking for 18 years old job, 200,000 won monthly. Am I Right?! "

" Haha! you know me so well! " Danielle added, bursting a tiny laugh.

" What is that?? "

" Oh, by the way. This is Minji, my friend. She's offering me a job inside their house but I said, it wasn't for me, it's for my bestfriend. "

Hanni's eyes got widened.

" Really?! oh my god, what's next?! "

" I will send you a link, you can form out the link. This is your chance, your salary is 500,000 won monthly. " Hanni, herself squealed in happiness once she heard the salary.

" I promise to do my best, I will treat you to your favorite restaurant. I owe you a lot, Dani. " Hanni made her promises.

" Wow, thank you then? go ahead, answer the form. "

Hanni checked her Instagram, as she clicked the link that Danielle had says.


Name: Hanni Pham
Age: 18
Birthday: October 6, 2004
Nationality: Vietnamese-Australian

Inside the house, we have no rules to follow. You make your own rules, make yourself feel at home and don't break our trust.

We will choose a lucky student, stay tuned.

Hanni already signed up the form, it's so easy. She'd rather to fill this form out than answering the exam papers on her class.

In a few minutes later, Danielle suddenly screamed her lungs out which startled Hanni.

" Oh my goodness, Hanni Pham! you got accepted! "

Hanni's eyes got wider as she came to her, confirming if it was true.

Tell to your bestfriend,
she's accepted.

She read those words from one and only Kim Minji. She smiled widely, like widely.. and genuinely.

For the first time in her life.

" Thank you, Danielle! "

And later that day, she found herself packing her things in a small baggage and Danielle finds it adorable. It seems like Hanni's really excited for her newly job.

" Can I help you? " Danielle asked, currently resting her left shoulder across the door.

" No, you helped me alot, Dani. I'm good, take a rest, I'd appreciate that. " Hanni said, shooing her bestfriend calmly.

Danielle somehow smiled.

" You're really excited to leave me, don't you? "

She stops from packing when she heard those words.

" What are you talking about? It's not that I would leave you, it's a work Danielle Marsh and aside, we could still make it through video call. Bring Hyein with you sometime, okay? " Hanni ordered.

Danielle nodded, she couldn't deny the fact that there's a little sadness in those eyes.

" Don't be sad, My Dani. "

" Yeah.. just please, be healthy there always? come on, Hanni. You will lived there for how many years, in case you'd do a great job. Right? "

Hanni nodded, she stood up and asks for a hug.

" Aww, I love you. "

" Love you, Danielle. Tell Hyein, I love her too. "

Hanni pulled away with such a sweet smile on her lips.

" Don't miss me, if you do that.. I will miss you everyday. " Hanni said.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now