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Hanni's POV

I've been with them for two years already, they literally treats me like a family. The life that I have right now is just too amazing to imagine, I'm literally living my best life with this family. And I never break the trust they have for me, especially Ms. Kim, I'm a little thankful that she'd never tell me the deal about Haerin.

I spent my Christmas days and New years with them, I'm always getting a gifts from Ms. Kim every little event, even in my birthdays. I'm so happy, I'm already 20 years old and I'm still here with them.

And to mention Danielle and Hyein, I once decided to meet them in the restaurant that I promised Danielle two years ago, we spent the remaining time together by hanging out all day and spending time inside the cinema. They're so happy when we did that, of course. They're my best friends, I should give them the best too and treat them nicely. They're also like a family to me even if I don't have one anymore.

And Minji's birthday is today, I don't really know what gift should I give to her. I'm still clueless about her interest in things. And speaking of them, Haerin and Minji totally breaks the hatred between them. They just get along all of sudden, and I honestly  don't know how?

Ms. Kim's currently planning something on Minji's birthday party too, you know when it comes to her daughters it's always elegance.

" Haerin-ah, what do you think Minji wants? " I asked, Haerin, playing on her phone.

" Hmm, why? you will give her one? should I come to you? where? " She literally bomber me a question.

" Hey haha, calm down. I was asking what do you think she wants? "

She paused, eyes were stuck on the ceiling.

" She's addicted to ice cream these days, I think you should buy her two of it. " Haerin said.

" Are you sure? like a two gallons of ice cream? is it enough? "

Haerin nodded, fixing her body proportion as she reaches for her shoes. And I watches her.

" Will you go for a walk, again? "

" No, I will come with you. "

My eyebrows raised.

" It's fine, I can buy it myself, you don't have to come with me. "

" I will buy it for you, let's go. "

I automatically stops when Haerin reached out for my hand.

" What'd you say? "

" I will buy it for you, you don't have to spend your money. "

I'm not agreeing as I shakes my head while pressing my lips together. I noticed Haerin's gratitude towards me lately, she's acting really nice.

" It's on me, and aside. It's my gift for Minji so, I would literally spend my own money not yours. "

Haerin smiled.

" That's so sweet of you, Hanni Pham. But I won't let you do that, now let's go. " And Haerin dragged me away outside the house and took her motorbike.

" You have a motorbike?! " My eyes widened, my tone is seemingly surprised and excited.

" Yeah, I asks Mom to buy it for me. Don't worry, I use my own money again. " Haerin answered.

I wanted to ask why but somehow, I get it already.

" Hop on, hands on my waist. "

I nodded of Haerin's demand.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now