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" Hanni, let's talk. " Mrs. Kim called her, as she walks immediately to the diner table.

" Do you need anything, Ma'am? "

" No, I just needed you to look out to Minji. Her professors was complaining to me about her cutting classes, please make sure she will attend her classes with these schedules that I assigned to you. "

Hanni suddenly thinks of Haerin's words last night, she's indeed a troublemaker and a freaking irresponsible student.

" Yes ma'am. " She replied.

" Thank you, I have to go now. "

She could see how it has nothing to do with Mrs. Kim, she doesn't have any plans to confront her daughter after class and just let that thing go with the flow.

Maybe Haerin was right.

Mrs. Kim left a minutes ago, she take a look on the paper where Minji's schedules was written.

" Why do I even need to look out after her? I don't even know how to handle her. " She complains on her own.

" I know. "

She fucking startled, her soul almost left her body because of that husky-deep voice.

" What the hell is wrong with you, Kim Minji?! "

" Watch your words, Hanni Pham. Did I even scared you? "

Hanni runs her hands on her own hair sarcastically.

" Who would have thought that you were there all this time? " She tried to calmed her voice as she shut her eyes.

" Fine. Sorry, I'm actually gonna play some video games. "

She scanned the paper again, her eyes widened.

Shit, she didn't attended class?!

" Kim Minji, kindly wear your uniform please. " She said, politely yet sarcastic.

" What are you saying? I don't have a classes. "

" Oh yeah? then what is this? " She shows up the paper, Minji's eyes gets bigger of realization.

" Where'd you get that, Hanni? look, I'm trying my best to be nice, just.. just don't tell mom about this, please? "

Hanni smirked.

" Alright, I won't. Just wear your uniform so we could go to your school, right away. Okay. " She didn't let her to speak and left her instead.

She was grinning all the time, she knew how frustrated Minji right now. Didn't know that she will love to see her being annoyed, it's her revenge though from what she just did last night. It was her first freaking day.

" H-hanni.. I— you know, I'm already late. " Minji stuttered, scratching her nape.

" What do you want me to do, then? you supposed to attend classes, studies is important. "

" But I wanna be with you, Hanni Pham. "

She felt like Minji glued her mouth of what she just heard, it's.. weird. But why does it gives her butterflies on her stomach, somehow?

" Don't make excuses, Kim Minji. Your mom told me to sent you school, don't missed your schedule or I'll be dead. "

Minji frowned, slamming her hands on the table, moved her face closely to Hanni, she's literally standing in the side of the table and facing Minji at the moment.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now