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" I-i'm sorry, Ms. Kim. " Hanni, for the second time unintentionally breaks the rule of her second job.

Jennie Kim have accepted her apology letter as she stared at her nonchalantly. And it made Hanni felt of being terrified that she'd thought of getting beaten alive by this woman because of how she gave her the deadly look.

Jennie sighs, " Alright. " She cutted off the silence.

It almost lightened Hanni's mood as she lifted her chin up to face her. She thought Jennie has accepted her letter.

" You only breaks one rule inside my house, plus you lied to me. Hanni Pham. " Jennie blurted out.

Hanni looked all the way down to her feets, while playing with her own hands nervously, she's regretting her life decision.

" But it's fine. "

She looked at her again, those eyes never fails to scared her soul.

" Why would I also control your heart of being in love with my daughter? " Jennie added.

Hanni felt an itch beneath her skin of what she just heard, her blood suddenly ran cold.

" M-ms. Kim. " Her lips trembles.

" Let's break the deal already, Hanni Pham. I will sent Minji to her Dad's house after this. "

Her eyes widened, as she found herself reaching out for Jennie's hand and begged her to let Minji stay in this house.

" I let Minji have a happy ending, just to be with you. Now tell me, Hanni? Would you even handle the part that Haerin cries on my arms yesterday just because someone just breaks her heart? and it was because of you. I know you don't want to see her getting hurt and carry it on her own just because you were the reason, but you knew the deal we had a long time ago. " She paused.

" Yes. I let Minji of the excuses that she almost take her own life. But it doesn't mean that I'd let her stay here forever. I will sent her to her Dad and lived there permanently. Just think a simple way to still have in touch with her once she lived far away from you. That's none of my business anymore. " She added.

It's unfair.

Jennie Kim's unfair.

" Now, if you don't want Minji that far from you. Then, you can do the deal. But I'm not pressuring you to do it. It's a choice and it depends on you. "

She just can't do that.

" I-i'll do anything, Ms. Kim! just please don't consider that deal anymore. I'm begging you. "

Jennie shakes her head, not agreeing.

" I treated you like a family. But you lied to me and hid your thing with Minji. I'd still accept if you just break one rule in my house but you lied, directly to me, Hanni. "

Tears rolled down on her cheeks.

" I'm sorry, Ms. Kim. I-i hope you forgive me. "

" I already did and to let you know. I've never bear a grudge against you. I've never get mad at you, I just hate the fact that you lied to me. "

Hanni doesn't know what to do anymore.

If she'd accept the deal, she would betrayed Minji and break her heart, and if she don't. Minji will lived far away from her and it's not possible that she'd still keep in touch with her.

This is the hardest part of her life, choosing between Minji and the deal.

But, she's choosing Minji and her heart knows it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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