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" You must be Hanni Pham? " A woman, approached her.

" Yes, Ma'am. "

Hanni smiled, she's currently carrying her baggage.

" Come inside, I'll show you your new room. " She's excited but nervous at the same time.

She follows the woman inside, the house is luxury type though.

She follows the woman inside, the house is luxury type though

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" This is your new room, you have a bathroom inside too. So you wouldn't need to go out. "

" Thanks, ma'am. "

" And make yourself feel at home, you're free to troll inside and outside the house. You're also free to stay in the rooftop, just get a food in the fridge so you don't feel hungry. "

She felt like she just found a home, she'll be living her best life inside this house.

" My daughters are still in the school, you'll meet them later. You can arrange your things now, Hanni. "

" No, I'm already home. " Someone cutted their conversation off.

" Oh, Haerin! sweetie, please meet Hanni Pham, be nice to her. " Mrs. Kim even added.

Haerin's eyes shifted to her direction, she has this cold aura, plus her eyes. Hanni thinks she saw it somewhere though, it's resembles to a cat eyes!

" Hey, nice to meet you.. Hanni. "

Hanni waved her hand on her, smiling widely.

" Thank you, Ma'am. " Hanni thanked the woman again, as she closes the door carefully.

She even locked it, as she hop on the bed. Jumping on it like the happiest kid on the earth, as she lied down and stared at the ceiling.

" This time, I won't do the same mistakes I have done two years ago." She said to herself.

She smiled, and feels her back on this soft mattress. She even noticed the air conditioner in the wall. She thought of trying it later.

She rearrange her things again, even her soft pillows, tiny dolls, teddy bears. She displayed it on her bed and the remains dolls are in the top of closet.

She even checked the comfort room, there's a multiple shampoo too. A toothpaste, a soap and the shower even a bathtub.

She's living her best life indeed.

It's still the first day but she's so satisfied already.

But boredom suddenly enters her body, she decided to went out on her room, trying to find the woman earlier.

" Mrs. Kim? " She called out, the house is quite big, she still haven't memorizing each and every corner of this house.

" Where are you, Mrs. Kim? " She kept finding the woman, in short the owner.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now